Everything from your experiences, education, understanding, opinion, brain development, and mood, affect your decision making. What if you had a built-in system that sat at the door of your decision making and positively affected and influenced every decision you made? There is such a thing! I call it “Divine Decision Making.” Divine means of, from, or like God. So, divine decision making is for your decision making to be of, from, and like God’s decision making. Let’s ask God for it:
Father I pray that you would grant me divine decision making—that I would not make one wrong decision in this season. I pray that the decisions that I make will not be based on my limited knowledge and information, but would be divinely influenced by your unlimited knowledge and understanding. I can catch part of the picture; however, you can see the entire picture. You have “super vision,” that’s why you’re my “Supervisor.” I pray that (in real time) you would be the number one influencer of my decisions. If I ever decide to do what (on the surface) appears to be to my advantage, but in fact is to my demise, I pray that you would intervene and change the course of my decision. I believe that I now have divine decision making—that I will not make one wrong decision in this season of my life!!!
- Keep praying for divine decision making.
Did God hear your prayer the first time? Yes! However, when you pray the same prayer multiple times YOU get to hear it again. Every time you hear it you are reminded of this new and powerful inclusion that has been added to your strategic mix.
- Be more sensitive to God’s influence in your decision making.
Every time you have a conscious decision before you, open your spirit to receive God’s influence. He’s now the number one influence in your decision making. He has already made every decision. You are deciding to choose what He is deciding. So, you have to turn up the volume of your spiritual ears. You have to dial up the sensitivity monitor in your spirit. Be more alert of God’s nudges, promptings, signs, symbols, and urgings. You are going to have a new sense of “knowing what to do.”
- Expect to make the right decision every time.
Raise your expectations. The level of your expectation is determining the level of your experience. Your life has just been greatly enhanced because God is now affecting and influencing every decision that you will make. .
You can make the right decision EVERY SINGLE TIME when you have divine decision making.
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