The Spirit of Acceleration!!

Do you need the progress of your life to speed up to catch you up with where you’re supposed to be at this point in your life? If so, you need the Spirit of acceleration to hit your life!

The Spirit of Acceleration is when God gives your life the ability to supersede times laws and break times speed limits. Its when God gives you a speedy turn-around. When things start happening quickly for you. Its when God causes you to bypass the process—where what normally takes 5 years to happen, God causes to happen in 5 months!!!

We are living in an era of compressed time, where time is condensed, squeezed together, and constricted. It’s almost like time is moving too fast. Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time to accomplish all that God has placed inside of you. Let’s believe God to move the progress of our life at a speed that exceeds the speed of time!!

Anytime you have time compression, acceleration becomes the essence of the hour. You have to do things more quickly—you must make decisions more swiftly. If you are going to do something significant, now is the time!


God never asks time for permission to do anything He desires to do. God does not obey time, time obeys Him. Time is something that God created. He told man to take dominion over things created (Gen 1:26), which means you can dominate time!!

Warped Time

Warped time is where the flow of time is interrupted or distorted. It’s also when time is suspended—where time appears to stand still.

The prophet Amos said, Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when the plowman (the guy who tills the soil before you even plant anything) shall overtake the reaper (the one who takes up the harvest), and the treader of grapes him who sows seed…(Amos 9:13).

2 Possible Speculative Meanings

  1. Before you can sow your seed good it will be producing a harvest.
  • God will cause you to bypass the process of time.
  • The moment the decision to sow is made, God has the UPS Guy (in the spirit) to put the package on the delivery truck to your door.
  1. Second speculative meaning. Your seed is going to produce a harvest so large that before you can gather it all up, it’s going to be time to prepare the ground for sowing again.
  • That’s the first kind of warped time. God causes you to bypass the normal process of time; God distorts the normal process.

The 2nd Type of Warped Time

  • God suspends time; He literally stops time. …
  • God erased about a whole day out of the history books of man for Joshua—He froze events to allow Joshua and his allies to get an advantage over their enemies (Joshua 10:12-13).


It is likely that you feel like you should be further ahead than you currently are (in some areas of your life). It may not look like you can catch up. Stop the tape…God can supernaturally suspend time to allow you to catch up to where you’re supposed to be. Or, God can speed up the progress of your life such that it goes at a faster rate than time (where it looks like time stands still while you get caught up to where you were supposed to be).

Get acceleration on your “spiritual radar.” Begin to believe God for the Spirit of Acceleration!

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Design Your Destination With Your Expectation!

Expectation is giving the future something to prepare for.” I didn’t say, “Prepare for the future”—I said, “The future is going to prepare for you!” That is, if you give it a powerful enough expectation. Have you placed a demand on the future? Have you given the future something to prepare for? Your expectation gives your day an assignment that it must go and fulfill.

You must give the day something to be challenged by. You have to give the day something to be inspired by. You must give the day a target to hit. It is imperative that you give the day a great expectation—“a God expectation.”


See, right now you are probably expecting your days to be filled with normalcy. A normal mundane day is one where you get up, get dressed, go to work, experience a stress-filled day, come home, try to find something to eat, sit down and watch TV, fall asleep, go to bed, and get up the next morning to repeat the same pattern over-and-over again. “The level of your expectation is determining the level of your experience.”


Raise the level of your expectation and see an elevation of your experience.”

Start expecting better. Start expecting more. Take it further than that and start expecting amazing things to happen. Expect the ridiculous, the supernatural, the “way-out,” and the fantastic. Start expecting accelerated results. Expect acceleration, multiplication, debt-elimination, promotion, increase, favor, momentum, and advancement. Take your expectation up to a place that will make the day say, “I’ve never done this before in this guy’s life.” “She’s never inspired me like this before.” “This is expectation like God’s.” “I’m being backed into a corner and being forced to support results that match this person’s expectation.” Perhaps an amazing future has been waiting to reveal itself when it sees an amazing expectation.

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The Power To Discern Your Season!!

A season is a special period, accompanied by purpose, power, and provision…or a lack of purpose, power, and provision. You have experienced seasons where you felt like you were living in your purpose, you were empowered to succeed, and the provision was flowing. It seemed like everything was going right. You have also experienced seasons where there didn’t seem to be a lot of purpose, there was very little power flowing in your life, money was “tight,” and everything seemed to be going wrong.

Do you know what season you’re in right now? You must discern what season you’re in right now so you know how to flow with what’s happening in your life. Are you in a season where everything seems to be going crazy? You must discern if this season of chaos is a season of developing the warrior within. If that’s the case, you have to pull together your weapons, get in your war posture, and fight your way out of that season.

Are you in a season where an unusual amount of money is flowing? If so, that’s great! Let me advise you to use this season to prepare for a future season of scarcity.

Your seasons change. They are not permanent. Some seasons even reoccur.

  • The season for prosperity is to prepare you for the season of scarcity.
  • The season of peace is to prepare for the season of war.
  • The season for pain is to give you an appreciation for the season of pleasure.


Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season…” Here’s the revelation:

  1.  Seasons Are Not Permanent—They’re Going To Change.

The current season you are in is going to change. You should be constantly asking yourself the question, “What is ABOUT to change?” You must live in today, but think into tomorrow. Anticipate what is going to be changing a year from now and start preparing for it.

2.   To Every Season There is a Reason.

There is a reason why a season has come. It could be a season of warfare because your breakthrough is on the horizon. You could be in a season of reaping tremendous levels of success resulting from long seasons of preparation and education. You could be in a season of testing to determine if you qualify for promotion. There is a reason why this season has come. Pray for the ability to discern the times and seasons, and the wisdom to know what to do in every season.

  1. There’s a Right Time for Everything.
  • The season for research is not the season for launching.
  • The season for meditation is not the season for explanation.
  • The season of hiding is not the season of revealing.

There is something powerful about a purpose whose time has come. Nothing can stop it. But also keep in mind that every purpose has a timeframe attached to it. The second part of Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “…And a time to every purpose under the heaven.” So you must be time conscious and purpose conscious. Some windows only open for a short period of time. If you are not ready when the opening occurs, you may never have that opportunity again.

Your Turn: What season are you currently in? What do you need to do as a result of being in this season?

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When Your Destiny Starts Pursuing You

Have you experienced the moment when your pursuit of walking in your destiny shifts to your destiny walking in you? There is a point when your destiny starts courting you; calling you; coming after you. There is a juncture where your destiny tells you to rest because it’s doing all the work. What you were once pursuing starts pursuing you.

I bet if you would relax a bit, you would find that your destiny wants to live in you just as much as you want to live in it. Maybe your destiny has already been sending you signals that it’s doing the heavy lifting for you behind the scenes.

Let’s “thicken the plot.” Is your destiny a place that you arrive at, or is it the journey that you experience while you’re pursuing the arrival? Don’t miss the journey while trying to get to a certain place.  The present moment is so often missed by our focus on the moment that has yet to arrive.

Your destiny is determined. Relax a bit. I believe if you are tuned in to the fact that you didn’t just show up here, but the originator and sustainer of all life reached inside Himself, pulled you out, and sent you here, that belief alone sets you on course with your destiny.

Now of course you can have a destiny and ignore it. You can have a destiny and refuse to cooperate with it. You can have a good course—a God course, and choose an alternative course. Having a destiny and choosing to walk in it are two different things. But you have chosen to walk in your destiny. So be who God made you to be. You’re the most powerful person in the world at being you. Stay in your lane. Travel on your side of the road. Your destiny will love you for it…and start pursuing you.  You must be exactly what God made you. It’s when you get out of alignment with who He made you that your life gets out of alignment.


Here’s 4 Other Things:

  1. Every moment in your past has brought you to your present.

Your destiny has brought you to this place. God never wastes any experiences. Every experience you’ve had up to this point has contributed to who you are. Don’t discount today in favor of tomorrow. Live in today while thinking into tomorrow.

  1. Stop striving to BE what you already are.

It should not require any effort for you to be who you are. Just be you. Striving is when you’re trying to make something happen that God is not supporting. Embrace who you are, while you’re endeavoring to improve the current version of “you.”

  1. Take a break and celebrate the path you’re on.

Don’t be so caught up in trying to pursue something that you fail to recognize how much you’ve already been successful at attaining.

  1. Begin to believe that every resource and person necessary for the fulfillment of your destiny will find its way to you.

The more faith you have in the fact that God has pre-chartered an amazing course for your life, the easier it is for that course to chart its way to you.  Let’s believe that we are now walking in a place where our destiny is scheduling the events of our life, determining who calls our cell phone, and what shows up in your mailbox.

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