Why You Should Trust Your Destiny

God calls you something great and then gives you time to become it. Why does God do that? Because He never starts something until He finishes it first—including you. So what God does is He starts in the beginning and goes all the way to the ending, completes everything, and then goes back to the beginning and says, “Start from here.” He gets everything you need to be amazing, loads you down with it in your beginning, points you in the direction of the journey He just mapped out for you and tells you, “Now walk out the path that I just mapped out for you.” God “maps it out” but you have to “walk it out.”

He pre-codes everything in your life to guarantee the fulfillment of your divine destiny in the earth. Your destiny is so powerful that it pre-dates your time on the earth and post-dates your time in the earth. You came out of God. He reached inside of Himself to get you. Your parents didn’t “create” you, they “birthed” you. He puts greatness “in you” but requires you to bring it “out of you.”

The prophet Isaiah said, God declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). He starts in the beginning and boldly declares how it’s going to end. He gives everything an ending at the beginning. The purpose and power behind your life is beyond what your mind can comprehend.


God has told the earth to cooperate with the purposes for which you were sent to it. The more you act like who God made you, the more your destiny will honor you.

  1. Realize there’s a “you” that already exists on the inside of you that’s much greater than the “you” you’re currently familiar with.
  • God told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
  • God was pre-loading Jeremiah before anyone ever knew he was going to be born.
  • You were created before you were born.
  • God put something amazing in you before you were born. What is lying dormant in you that is waiting for its revealing?
  • What passion burns on the inside of you that we don’t really see much of on the outside of you?
  • What’s hidden in you that’s great, that needs to come out?
  1. Begin to believe that every resource and person necessary for the fulfillment of your destiny will find its way to you.
  • God has never imagined Himself being without something that should be in His life. So why should you?
  • Everything prepared for you before the foundation of the world, that pertains to your life, your ministry, your calling, and your godliness, has been given to you.
  • The Apostle Peter said it this way, “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness… (II Peter 1:3).
  • Start believing that everything that belongs to you will find its way to you.

The more faith you have in the fact that God has pre-chartered an amazing course for your life, the more likely that course will chart its way to you.

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When Focus on Gaining Some “Thing” Turns to Focus on Gaining Some “One”

Great people are willing to do what they “hate” in order to gain what they “love.” In other words, what they are going to “gain” is more valuable than what they are going to “sacrifice” to get it.

When God wanted you, He sacrificed the greatest person He could find to purchase you. He sacrificed His son. The greater the product, the higher the cost. You were so great to God that you cost Him the best that He had (His son).

The Apostle Paul said, “…But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before (Philippians 3:13). In other words, I’m willing to “forget about” those things that I’m giving up in favor of “focusing on” those things that I’m gaining.


Sometimes our focus is on gaining some “thing,” when it should be on gaining some “one.” Is that someone “you?” Have you lost “you?” The originally intended you? The “you” that’s fearless, vibrant, complete, full, and satisfied? What are you willing to forget about in order to gain “you?” The “you” you were always supposed to be.

Are you embracing the patterns that keep you separated from the best “you?” Patterns that keep you lost…patterns that keep you stuck? Are you frozen by the reality that you’ve got to do something, so you do what’s familiar…knowing all the while that it’s not going to produce anything?

Is it time to be willing to lose the familiar in order to gain what’s most important—the most important being ”you?”

Here’s What To Do:

Start searching for the “you” that He originally intended you to be.

You have an idea what that “you” looks like. The fearless “you.” The daring “you.” The bold “you.” The colorful and creative “you.” The carefree “you.” The positive “you.” Not the “you” that your series of losses produced. The “you” that your series of revelations is going to reveal. If a thought, word, or pattern doesn’t match the most amazing “you” that you’ve imagined yourself being, start rejecting it.

If you’ve lost “you,” what are you willing to forget about in order to gain “you?” The “you” you were always supposed to be. What you’re willing to get rid of reveals more of the beauty that was always there, but hidden behind what you refused to discard.

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Have You Lost Time That You Wish You Could Get Back?

If you are like most people you probably feel like you have lost time that you wish you could get back. Perhaps there have been seasons of your life where you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive. Maybe you lost focus and missed some opportunities that may never come again. It could be that you lost time due to ignorance or a season of foolishness.

If you miss a moment, it could cost you the loss of the experience that was made available (only) during that moment. But, all is not lost because there is something called “restored time!” Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost. The prophet Joel was eloquent when he said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…” (Joel 2:25). Notice that God will restore “years.” In other words, He will buy back large blocks of time that you lost.


2-Ways He Will Restore Time:

  1.  He’ll give you more time.
  • God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
  • Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”
  • Proverbs 3:2 says that His word will add length of days, and long life to you.
  1. He’ll accelerate your results.

The “Prophetic Acceleration of Time.” Here’s how the prophetic acceleration of time works:

  • If you were to break your ankle—it takes a minimum of 6 weeks for a broken bone to heal.
  • It takes 3-4 months for a person to resume normal functions.
  • So what God does in a prophetic moment is He goes out 4 months, gets your healing, and brings it into your present, and boom!—it instantly takes place.
  • He accelerates time triggered by your prophetic declaration. I believe therefore I have spoken (II Corinthians 4:13).

 Prophesying Your Future

  • When you prophesy your future what you’re doing is sending a word to your future.
  • But that’s not all that happens. …Your future sends a word to you and tells you, “You better say something, because 2 years from now I’m gonna’ need what you say to see me through.”
  • That’s why in a prophetic moment you must open up your mouth and speak.
  • It could be that your (unborn) great grandchildren are putting a demand on this moment.
  • The million dollars you’ve been prophesying may not even be for you. I could be for the generation after next.

If you feel like you have lost “time” don’t lose “hope.” God can either extend your years (so you can fulfill what you were destined to fulfill), or accelerate your results. Either way, He can (and will) restore time that you lost.

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What To Do If 2015 Is Not Giving You What You Expected

Is 2015 giving you what you expected it to? If not, could the reason be because you haven’t given 2015 what it was expecting of you? Actually 2015 is moving in the direction of 2016. It never stands still. The New Year has no feelings or concerns. It’s compassionless. It never adjusts itself for you and what’s happening in your life. It’s just there all the time—going at the same steady pace. So, it’s not so much what 2015 is bringing to you as it is what you’re bringing to 2015.

Have you brought a new mind to 2015, or are you using the mind you had in 2014? Have you brought a new process of thought to this year? What about seeing yourself as the reason why 2015 will be different than 2014? We expect the New Year to automatically bring change every January 1st. Everything changes when you do, not just because the calendar changes. The year will change when you change. If you don’t change, neither will the “new year.”


When your disposition changes you start attracting everything that is associated with the new disposition that you brought to the table. Your disposition is your temperament, your nature, and your mentality. You must break into a whole new world of disposition. You have to get in the environment of worlds of thought that are beyond your current world of thinking, acting, and moving. Then, hang out there, and let it transform your world of thought.

When you hear new concepts of thought and embrace them, they start changing your disposition. When your disposition starts changing it has a built-in system that starts telling everything in your world to bring you new experiences and results that match your new disposition.

Two Quick Things:

  1.  What internal change are you going to make?
  • What thought pattern or self-view is slowing you down, or literally stopping you from making the moves that you need to make to move you to the next era of your life?
  • Identify one thing, make the funeral arrangements, and bury it.
  • What you “put to death” creates room for something new and amazing to “come to life.”
  1. Start making moves without waiting for validation first.
  • There are things that you have in your spirit to pursue that you have not pursued because you are waiting for validation from someone (other than you).
  • You’re one the greatest people in your life. That’s right. “You” are one of the greatest people in your life.
  • You are the only one that you need validation from to make the move you’ve been thinking of making.
  • Perhaps for the very first time, just do it without seeking permission from someone other than you.

If 2015 has not brought you the change you were expecting it to, perhaps it’s because you have not brought it the change it was waiting for from you.

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The Absence of “Visible” Results Does Not Mean the Lack of “Invisible” Activity

The past tries to convince you that anything that didn’t happen in its era is not going to happen in the next. The fact that it didn’t happen in the “past” is all the more reason for it to show up in your “future.” Your “negative” past is one of the worse predictors of your “positive” future.

Don’t judge your life by your current speed, but by the speed at which God can cause you to catch up (and pass) where you hoped to be by now.

Start sending as much as you possibly can into your future. Start sending power prayers, prophetic words, dreams, hope, visualization, declarations, and expectation. What you release “today” goes into your “tomorrow,” and will be there waiting for you when you get there in the form of a harvest.

God is already in next week. He’s not stuck in this present moment. He does not submit to time. Your current stagnation in the “natural” is not a sign of a stand-still in the “supernatural.” Spirituality is your realization of and connection to the “invisible world,” that controls everything that we see in the “visible world.” The absence of “visible” results does not mean the lack of “invisible” activity. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3b). It’s what’s going on “behind the scenes” that’s controlling what we see “on the scene.”


God Could Be Behind the Scenes…

  • Scheduling a series of events that will propel you into your destiny.
  • Preparing to make one bold, swift move in your life that will catapult you quantum leaps ahead.
  • Clearing everything from the path ahead of you so you can walk in your future with no hindrances or encumbrances.
  • Doing something “in” you that will cause nothing but amazing things to spring forth “from” you.
  • Training your future to never ignore you like your past did.

Just because it appears that nothing “good” is happening right now does not mean nothing “God” is happening right now. Leave room in the equation for God. He’s behind the scenes right now aligning things for your future.

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