Synchronized Time

Some coincidences are more than just a coincidence.  Some are a literal coinciding or an alignment of forces in the universe to create an event or circumstance.

Synchronized time is when internal forces collide with external forces to create a powerful moment that can literally change your life.

Have you ever had a song in your heart that you hummed throughout the day?  That’s the internal.  Then, someone walks into your presence and starts singing that very song out loud.  That’s the external.  How is that?  Well, what you meditate on, on the inside, will eventually place a demand on the external world and require a response.

Synchronize means to occur, or to cause to occur at the same instant; to cause to agree in time.  Synchronized time is when 2 worlds collide to produce a God moment.  It’s a moment when world’s intertwine—when 2 worlds meet.

Have you ever made a wrong turn and pulled into a gas station to turn around, and run into an old friend that you had lost contact with?  You would not have seen them unless you made the wrong turn.  Something amazing happened that would not have happened unless you went the wrong way.  Synchronized time is when God takes what seemingly is a “mistake” and turns it into something “magical.”


Synchronized time is when you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  It’s an apparent chance meeting where you bump into, or come face-to-face with a person, a group, or an organization who not only has the answer to your problem, the piece to your puzzle, the cure for your hurt, the relief for your suffering, the favor and influence to your obscurity, or the money for your lack, but also has the desire and willingness to offer it to you with no strings attached.

In September of 2006 a friend of mine who had been out of work walked into an office and was approached by someone who asked him if he was looking for a job.  When he said “yes,” the person said, “You can have my job—I’m going to be moving.”  He then took him in the back to meet his employer and they hired him that day.

His visit to that office perfectly collided with a young man who was about to make a geographical move out of the area.  He walked “in” when the guy was walking “out.”  His visit to the office was perfectly synchronized with the young man’s exit out.

There’s chronos, which relates to the sequence of time.  Thus, we get the word chronological from.  Then there’s Kairos, which is a moment in time—a God moment, where an opening appears that requires a quick response from you for success to occur.

There are times in your life where success tomorrow is not good enough—you really need something to happen right now.  God can cause the resource to appear at the exact same time your need reaches it’s point of desperation.  That’s synchronicity.

How to Birth Synchronized Time

  • Minute-by-minute obedience births synchronized time!
  • Obey Me, and then I will be your God, and you will be My people. You must follow every way I command you so that it may go well with you (Jeremiah 7:23) Holman Christian Standard Bible.
  • How would you like to be in the right place at the right time every day of your life? Minute-by-minute obedience to the Spirit of God puts you there!
  • If the Spirit moves you to take a different route home you better take it.
  • If you feel led to shake the hand of a stranger you better do it.
  • If you feel led to buy the guy’s lunch in the line behind you at the local sandwich shop, you better do it.
  • The Spirit of God just might by trying to synchronize you.

The Power of Knowing Your Season!


A season is a special period of time, accompanied by purpose, power, and provision…or a lack thereof.  I’m sure you’ve experienced seasons where you had a sense of purpose, you felt empowered to succeed, and provision was flowing.  Everything seemed to be going right.  You’ve probably also experienced seasons where there was no sense of purpose, no feeling of power, and no money flowing.  Everything seemed to be going wrong.

Do you know what season you’re in right now?  You must discern what season you’re in at any given time so you know what stance to take.  If you’re in a season where everything seems to be going right, that’s the best time to take some risks.  It is likely that unusual favor is flowing towards you in this season.  You must take advantage of that opening. 

If you’re in a season where everything seems to be going crazy, you must take a different posture.  Seasons like that call for you to pull together your weapons, get in your war posture, and fight your way out of the madness.

If you’re in a season where unusual provision is flowing in, be aware—that could be a temporary opening.  If so, you might want to use that season of abundance to prepare for a possible future season of scarcity.

Your seasons change.  They are not permanent.  Some seasons even reoccur.

  • The season for prosperity is to prepare you for the season of scarcity.
  • The season for pain is to give you an appreciation for the season of pleasure.
  • The season for research is not the season for launching.
  • The season for meditation is not the season for explanation.
  • The season of hiding is not the season of revealing.
  • The season of peace is to prepare for the season of war.


Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season…”  Here’s the revelation:

1.  Seasons Are Not Permanent—They’re Going To Change.

The current season you are in is going to change.  You should be constantly asking yourself the question, “What is ABOUT to change?”  You must live in today, but think into tomorrow.  Anticipate what is going to be changing a year from now and start preparing for it.

 2.  To Every Season There is a Reason.

There is a reason why a season has come. It could be a season of warfare because your breakthrough is on the horizon. You could be in a season of reaping tremendous levels of success resulting from long seasons of preparation and education. You could be in a season of testing to determine if you qualify for promotion. There is a reason why this season has come. Pray for the ability to discern the times and seasons, and the wisdom to know what to do in every season.

  1.  There’s a Right Time for Everything.

There is something powerful about a purpose whose time has come. Nothing can stop it. But also keep in mind that every purpose has a timeframe attached to it. The second part of Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “…And a time to every purpose under the heaven.” So you must be time conscious and purpose conscious. Some windows only open for a short period of time. If you are not ready when the opening occurs, you may never have that opportunity again.

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Who’s More Powerful…You or The Day?

I heard Dr. Cindy Trimm say, “One of the first things that God gives you authority over is a day.” If you can’t control a day you will have difficulty controlling your destiny.  If you lose control of a day, then 9 times out of 10 you will be misaligned with your destiny.”

God gives you bite-sized pieces of probation—called days.  And if you have authority over that probationary period, He’ll move you into different levels of authority.  He’ll expand your terrain, and your sphere of rulership.

So, I began focusing on days.  Focusing on today.  Only.  Maximizing days.

Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).  Here’s the revelation.  3 Things:

1.  Place a Mental Border Around Today

  • Leave tomorrow’s concerns for tomorrow.
  • If you carry tomorrow’s load into today you will exceed your mental, physical, and spiritual capacity for today. The overload will sabotage your ability to make any progress today.

2.  Bring All That You Possibly Have to This Day

  • Don’t conserve part of you for tomorrow. You will receive a new impartation of power tomorrow. “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning” (Lamentations 3:23 NLT).
  • What if you got up early this morning and decided to focus all that you had on this day, and this day only? What if you decided to bring to this day…
  • Your best focus
  • Your highest energy
  • Your best creativity
  • Your keenest attention
  • Your highest ideas
  • Your highest level of faith
  • Your best ingenuity
  • Your best craftiness
  • Your best habits
  • Your best patterns
  • Your best thoughts

3.  If You Can Do It For a Day You Can Do It For a Lifetime

  • If you can do it today (for one day), then tomorrow, all you have to do is decide that you’re going to do it again (just for 1 day though).
  • Then, the next morning when you get up all you have to do is decide that you’re going to do it again (just for 1 day).
  • Before you know it you will have put together one of the best weeks of your life. If you repeat the pattern each day, before you know it you will have put together the best month of your life.
  • Before you know it you will have put together the best quarter of your life; the best half year of your life; the best year of your life; the best life ever!

When you show that you can take authority over a day God will elevate you to higher levels of authority in life!  Things will start to recognize your authority and obey you.  Things will cooperate with your divine destiny and purpose.

How will you approach tomorrow differently?  Leave a comment. 




Focus: The Art of Disconnecting From Distractions

Focus is the art of disconnecting from distractions. A distraction is anything that’s an enemy to your focus. The Apostle Paul understood this when he said, “This one thing I do…” (Philippians 3:13). What is the “one thing” that you’re giving particular attention to in this season? If you can’t answer that question it is not likely that you’re focused.

If you are spreading your energy among too many things you are simply watering down your power. If you garner all of your energy on “one thing,” you are putting the full force of your power in one place. It is the concept behind the laser. The concentration of all the energy in one small place is what results in a generation of so much power.


Creativity is the gathering of ideas and options—focus is the elimination of options. Once you have determined the most viable option, it’s imperative to eliminate every distraction. When it becomes clear what direction you should take it also becomes obvious what direction you need to avoid. If you have difficulty eliminating distractions, start practicing ignoring them.

Sometimes focus requires disconnecting from a person (or a group of people) if they are a distraction to what you have deemed to be most important. When you become clear about what you’re all about, it becomes clear who you should avoid.

Here are some additional power points on focus:

  • Your focus is predicting your productivity.
  • Your focus defines what you refuse to spend time on.
  • Your focus may offend those who are not privy to how important it is to you.
  • What you focus on is a reflection of what you have chosen to ignore.
  • Focus is a force.

When you can define your focus and eliminate your distractions you can predict your results.

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