Monthly Archives: October 2015
The Power of a Moment

If you fail to pay attention to what “the present” is saying to you, you will lose “the present” that this moment is presenting. That gift will be lost. Every moment is different than the rest, even if you find yourself in the same place multiple times.
Not only does God create an entirely new day every 24 hours, but He creates an entirely new moment every second. Slow down and discern the present moment. Don’t discount this moment in favor of the next one. If you miss your moment, you will forever miss the value of what that moment had to offer. All of humanity could possibly be robbed of some amazing impartation because you failed to discern your moment.
God brought you out of the spirit world into this physical world. You came from another world. Therefore you have intelligence beyond your brain. Not only can your mind receive information, but your heart can receive an impartation. Don’t leave part of you behind. Bring all of you to the moment. Bring your thinking capacity, your sensing capacity, your instincts, and your ability to discern.
Your eyes are for seeing what’s obvious—your heart is for discerning what’s concealed. Your hands are for touching what’s noticeable—your heart is for touching what’s invisible. More is going on than the eye and ear can detect. Bring your entire being to the moment. Use all of you to pick up all that is being disseminated because this moment will never come again.
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What You Prepare For “Today” Is What Will Show Up In Your “Tomorrow”

The life you have today is based upon the preparation you made (for it) yesterday. What you prepare for today is what will show up in your tomorrow. When you start preparing, so does your future. If you fail to prepare so does your future.
Preparers Repairers
Prevent fires Puts out fires
Anticipate the future Are surprised by the future
Puts things in order Get ordered around by things
Are on the cutting edge of things Are cut on the edge of things
Order the day Are disordered by the day
Create Consume
Tap into the invisible Are invisible to tapping
- You must prepare for a future that requires more of you than your present.
- When you ask God for more be aware that more demands on your life will probably come along with it.
- I prayed for more clients but I didn’t pray for more demands on my life. They came automatically…with the clients.
- That prayer for more (that you’re praying right now) better be accompanied by a prayer for the grace to handle it!
- You must prepare funeral arrangements for everything in your life that needs to be buried.
- Sometimes “more” is not so much about adding on, as it is about taking away.
- Listen to the language of these verses:
- Ephesians 4:22—That you put off concerning your former conduct…
- James 1:21—Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness…
- Colossians 3:8—But now you yourselves are to put off all these…
- It’s time to bury some things. Prepare the funeral arrangements.
- What (in your life) needs to get the ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust treatment?
- You must prepare for the things you’re praying for.
- Is the prayer you prayed today waiting for the step you take tomorrow as its answer?
- If you want God to help you open a business you better start working on your discipline, organization, speed, health, management skills, and handling multiple demands.
- The prayer might not be answered until YOU become the answer.
- You must prepare for the things that have already been prepared for you.
- When you become a match (in Spirit) with the things that God has already prepared for you, they’ll be released.
- When you become (in the spirit) the match with what is prepared for you, you will have traveled to the place where the prepared thing is.
- Then you will no longer be trying to prophesy—you will become the prophesy.
- You will no longer be praying for money–money will be asking to be attached to you.