Regain Time That You Lost!

Do you feel like you should be further in life than you are right now? If you’re like millions of others you feel like it might be too late to be what you were supposed to be and to accomplish what you were supposed to accomplish. You got so distracted by “life” that you never got around to connecting with your “destiny.”

Well listen, there is a concept called “Restored Time” that can give you back time that you lost! God said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…(Joel 2:25). Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost.

You can miss a moment because you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive, or you were in foolishness, or ignorance. If you miss a moment it could cost you the loss of the experience that moment had to offer. But God can replace the time that you lost.

2-Ways He Will Restore Time:

  1. He’ll give you more time.
    • Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him
    my salvation.”
    God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
    • Proverbs 3:2 says that his word will add length of days, and long life
    to you.
  2. He’ll accelerate your results.
    God can supernaturally cause what it would take 2 years to happen, to happen in 2 months.
    • Psalms 84:10 says, “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.
    • Psalms 90:4 says, “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past.
    • II Peter 3:8b says, But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    • The principle is this. God compares ones to thousands.
    • 1 day in God’s presence can accelerate you a thousand days (i.e. 2 years & 9 months).
    • One way to trigger Restored Time is by taking a day off work to spend in the presence of God. No TV, no people, no phones, no food—just you and God for an entire day.
    When you’re in God’s presence He gives you something that produces acceleration.
    • By doing so you set a spiritual law of (acceleration by a thousand) into motion. What would normally take you a thousand days to accomplish (i.e. 2 years & 9 months) God can cause to occur in 1 day.
    • A day of fasting and prayer is not a day of loss. It’s a day of acceleration!
    • God literally shrinks, compresses, and compacts the length of time it would normally take for you to advance, and puts it as 1-day, or into one moment.

Notice that God does not just restore lost moments, He restores “years.” I pray that God would supernaturally restore to you the years that you may have lost, along with all the things you could have accomplished during those lost years!!

“Making Things Submit” Prayer Strategy

Philippians 2:10-11 says, That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Here’s a prayer strategy based on the concept of every knee bowing to the name of Jesus. Speak the name of Jesus to various parts of your life and command that area to bow its knee to the Lordship of Christ. Here’s some wording to get you started:

I speak the name of Jesus to my mind.
I command my mind to bow—to submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
I command my mind to submit to the authority of Jesus.
I command my mind to think like Jesus thinks.
I declare that I have the mind of Christ.
I take the mind that I’ve been thinking with; deciding with; reasoning with; imagining with; acting with—I lose that mind and begin thinking with; deciding with; reasoning with; imagining with; acting with, the mind of Christ.
I command my thoughts to be dominated and influenced by Jesus.
That at the name of Jesus my mind will always be dominated by positive thoughts of others.
I always think well of others. I can find some good in even the worst person.

I speak the name of Jesus to my body.
I command my body to bow—to submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
I command my body to take on a divine nature—free from infirmity, sickness and disease.
I command my body to regenerate where it has degenerated.
I command my body to get stronger not weaker.
I command my strength to be renewed like the eagles’.

I speak the name of Jesus to my desires & motives.
I command my desires and motives to bow—to submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
I command my desires & motives to submit to the authority of Jesus.
I command my desires & motives to become pure and clean.
I command my desires & motives to be dominated by the authority and influence of Jesus.

I speak the name of Jesus to my life’s results.
I command my life’s results to bow—to submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
I command my life’s results to submit to the authority of Jesus.
I command my life’s results to be powerfully charged.
I command my life’s results to always be full of progress.
I command my life’s results to always be supernaturally improving.
My life’s results get better-and-better with each tick of the clock.
I always have supernatural results because my life is under the influence of the name of Jesus.

I speak the name of Jesus to my finances.
I command my finances to bow—to submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
I command my finances to submit to the authority of Jesus.
I command my finances to multiply.
I command my resources to multiply.
I command large influxes of cash to find their way into my hands on a regular basis.
That at the name of Jesus my finances comes into alignment with the will of God for uncommon increase and prosperity.