Discover the Number One Hindrance to a New Beginning

When you are looking for a “new beginning” you must have a clear vision of an “old ending.” The number one hindrance to having a new beginning is holding on (sentimentally) to the thoughts and feelings that were attached to a previous period. Make sure you do not get so stuck on being where God was that you fail to be where God is.

Some people wrap themselves around what God is no longer speaking and fortify themselves against the new thing that the Father is doing. It feels noble to protect something that God was doing when you’re ignorant to the fact that He’s no longer supporting that initiative. Don’t become so familiar with the previous revelation that you end up rejecting the update.

This blog post is a paraphrased excerpt from my POWERFULLY ENLIGHTENING NEW BOOK, Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements.
You must discern where God is at RIGHT NOW. When the children of Israel were wandering through the wilderness toward the Promised Land God told them to follow the cloud during the day, and follow the fire during the night. Being between where you were and where you are going can easily produce wondering. Which means you need a leader. Not a man this time. You need someone who knows their way around without a map and can produce light when it gets dark. He’s the Holy Spirit. The bible speaks of Him this way, “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is the Spirit of Truth. He’s the remover of helplessness and hopelessness. Start asking Him questions when you are seeking answers. Develop a mentorship relationship with Him.

I would love to have you get a copy of my book. The early reviews are incredible!! In addition, it has been on the Amazon Hot New Seller’s List (in the professional growth category) since the day after its release.

Get your copy RIGHT NOW!





I JUST RELEASED MY NEW BOOK: Transition–Mastering Life’s Movements!!!

Are you one of the millions of people who are in a place where something has ended and you know you can’t return to it, and the next season has started but you haven’t yet arrived in it? The something that is ending could be a way of thinking, a mindset, a relationship, or a host of other things. It’s like your left foot is on your “present” while your right foot is stepping into your “future.” You’re in between where you’re at and where you’re going to be.

Well that’s called transition. Life is a series of transitions. Your ability to understand and master transition is the key to you mastering the abrupt changes that life throws at you. And your inability to understand and navigate your way through transition can be a prescription for disaster.

Here’s help! I just released what I’m told is a very powerful, cleaver, creative, life-changing new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. It quickly went to #1 on the Amazon Hot New Sellers list in the professional growth category!!!!
I would love for you to get a copy of Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. You can pre-order the paperback NOW and it will be delivered on March 1st, 2016! The E-Book can be yours right now. Order whatever version you choose right now by clicking on the link of your choice!




If you purchase and read Transition, you will:
• Understand what “transition” is and why it is so powerful.
• Learn that many times crisis is a mirage that on the surface appears to be meant to “bury you,” but often turns out to “elevate you.”
• Gain tremendous clarity on the difference between “change” and “transition.”
• Learn compellingly effective ways to navigate through the abrupt changes that life throws at you.