If you’re destined for a powerful future, that future will require things of you that your past didn’t. So start doing something different ahead of time. The next level is waiting on your next bold move.
In order to get un-stuck; in order to create new momentum; in order to see new progress, do something entirely different than is your normal pattern.
Your destiny knows exactly what Its doing. It knows exactly where Its trying to take you. Your destiny is extremely intelligent.
- What has It been telling you to do differently?
- What steps has It been trying to get you to take?
- What (seemingly) weird approach has It been telling you take?
- What behavior or action is It telling you is affecting results in an area that appears to be unrelated to the behavior?
- What signs, symbols, urges and nudges has your destiny been sending?
- Are you sensing the subtle messages that your destiny is sending you?
Don’t miss the powerfully new thing that is waiting for you by failing to step into a powerfully new concept, approach, action or pattern.