Don’t think that its too late for you to fulfill your destiny and purpose. Don’t think you’re too old. God can cause something to happen suddenly that will erase years of apparent stagnation. All it takes is a sudden “God occurrence” to equalize everything that “didn’t happen” that you thought “should have happened.”
It’s time for you to position yourself for acceleration. Acceleration is the capacity to gain speed within a short time. It’s quick advancement. Acceleration is the rate of forward progress and advancement per moment of time. It’s hastening; quickening. Fast. …Get acceleration in your spirit. Get it on your radar, because what you entertain believes it has a chance to enter your life.
Begin to expect God to do something suddenly. Increase your disciplines–get up early, do things correctly and quit taking shortcuts. Keep putting quality thoughts, actions, words and deeds in the “bank.” At some point the bank account of your life will burst and spill out something incredible.
As you increase your disciplines you position yourself for the suddenly. There are even occasions where a suddenly anointing hits. A suddenly anointing is when there is little (to no) distance in time between an initial desire for something and it’s materialization.
God said, “I have declared the former things from of old; yes, they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them: SUDDENLY I did them, and they happened” (Isaiah 48:3).
It’s not too late–you have acceleration on your side. You have the possibility of the suddenly to occur. Be powerfully encouraged today!