3 Fool-Proof Ways To Get Pregnant With Expectation

Expectation is the current that drives what happens next—current as in an electrical charge. Current speaks of flow and it speaks of power. A current is power that flows. Your expectation is a source of power that creates a flow of resources and events to bring your expectation to pass. Even God moves where He is expected. There are certain things that God wants to do for you that He requires you to pull out of Him with your expectation.

Expectation must be accompanied by preparation.  Preparation is proof of expectation. At some point you must prepare for the things that you are praying for and believing for. If I invite you to dinner and you confirm that you are coming, I will immediately begin preparing for you. It’s proof of my expectation. What are you preparing for right now? It is proof that you expect it to materialize.

Expectancy speaks of likelihood. That’s why they call pregnant women “expecting.” The pregnancy is proof that a baby will soon be delivered. The revelation is this—you have to get pregnant with what it is you are looking for.

3 Fool-Proof Ways to Get Pregnant With Expectation:

  1. Get around someone who has already birthed what you’re seeking to have or become.
  • When you look at your mentor you are looking at a prophecy of your future.
  • A teacher can teach you what they know—a mentor can impart what they’ve become.
  • Impartation is impregnation.
  1. Feed on a constant diet of what you desire to have or be.
  • What feeds you is what will lead you.
  • When you eat of what something is you become like what it is.
  • When you consume enough of what it is you are going after, it will eventually begin pursuing you, and become a part of you. Here’s your chance to legitimately over eat.
  • You will only go as far as the revelation, information, and impartation that’s feeding you.
  • Ask, seek, knock, push, pursue, investigate, chase, hunt, inquire, dig, search, and study.
  1. Become intimate with what it is you’re going after—make some physical contact.
  • Go take a test drive.
  • Call a travel agent and get some details of the country you dream of traveling to.
  • Have a realtor take you through homes like the one that “has your baby kicking.”
  • Ask the person who is already what you hope to become to allow you to accompany them on their next event or engagement.
  • You must touch, taste, and feel what it is you’re going after.

At some point, when it gets big enough…boom!, that which is inside you will have to be birthed.  You will have that baby!!!

On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate your expectation prior to reading this post? How has this post increased the level of your expectation?

I am a creative spiritual strategies seeker, writer, and speaker. I help people who are seeking to advance their life to think in new ways they've never considered so they will gain the edge that will propel them to the next level of life. Some say I'm an innovative strategist, and others say I'm a dynamic thought-provoker. I've heard that I'm an inspiring motivator, momentum-builder, and life-shifter. I've even been called "Spiritual Legislator."

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Darlene Aiken, Agent
D. Aiken & Associates Worldwide

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2 thoughts on “3 Fool-Proof Ways To Get Pregnant With Expectation

    • Thanks for “putting more fuel in the car of my life!” I am glad you are being impacted. Your next dimension is waiting for you!!