Is Your “Something New” Being Blocked By Your “Something Old?”

When God wants to do something “new” but you’re blinded by your attachment to something “old,” you are probably going to miss a powerful life shift. In order to enter new realms you must entertain new thoughts, ideas and approaches. In other words, if you expect God to do something new in your life you better start doing something new first.

If you’re destined for a powerful future, that future will require things of you that your past didn’t. So start doing something different ahead of time. The next level is waiting on your next bold move.


In order to get un-stuck; in order to create new momentum; in order to see new progress, do something entirely different than is your normal pattern.

Your destiny knows exactly what Its doing. It knows exactly where Its trying to take you.  Your destiny is extremely intelligent.

  • What has It been telling you to do differently?
  • What steps has It been trying to get you to take?
  • What (seemingly) weird approach has It been telling you take?
  • What behavior or action is It telling you is affecting results in an area that appears to be unrelated to the behavior?
  • What signs, symbols, urges and nudges has your destiny been sending?
  • Are you sensing the subtle messages that your destiny is sending you?

Don’t miss the powerfully new thing that is waiting for you by failing to step into a powerfully new concept, approach, action or pattern.


Powerful Answers Found In Questions!!

  • What if the calendar days of the year were like human beings waiting to see what name you put on their birth certificate?
  • What if each day on the calendar is like an assignment that does not know what to do until it is given instructions?
  • What if wisdom is never “given” to you, but only “gotten” by you?
  • What if you only attract what you become on the inside first?
  • What if God is hiding himself in each of the people you encountered today, but you failed to see Him for seeing the person?
  • What if 90% of the revelation you hear immediately escapes you because it knows that you are not going to use it?
  • What if your words don’t believe you unless you believe them first?
  • What if the greatest works of art ever created and the greatest music ever written was not written on the earth but written in heaven, and released to those with the greatest capacity to see and hear them?
  • What if the money that you urgently need never comes because it never hears its name called?
  • What if God is speaking the loudest through His silence?
  • What if you made an effort to unlearn everything you were taught when you came to the earth that is incongruent with what God taught you before He sent you to the earth?
  • What if everyone is born a genius and those who still have that title are those who are the most successful at ignoring what life teaches about limits?
  • What if the next level of life has been waiting for you to enter it, but refuses to allow you in because you refuse to make the changes you know you need to make?
  • What if the money you want in your pocket has been watching you to see if it wants to be in your pocket?
  • What if the job you’ve been seeking refuses to reveal itself until it sees that you’re already working?
  • What if pain was allowed in the earth solely to remind us of the value of pleasure?
  • What if you are the only one capable of obstructing your destiny?
  • What if the only enemies that show up in your life are those who mirror something in you that attracted them?
  • What if you paid as much attention to the thoughts that you’re thinking in your “heart” as you do thoughts that you’re thinking in your “head?”
  • What if every area of your life where there is lack is merely a thought that went unthought?
  • What if all this was true?

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I JUST RELEASED MY NEW BOOK: Transition–Mastering Life’s Movements!!!

Are you one of the millions of people who are in a place where something has ended and you know you can’t return to it, and the next season has started but you haven’t yet arrived in it? The something that is ending could be a way of thinking, a mindset, a relationship, or a host of other things. It’s like your left foot is on your “present” while your right foot is stepping into your “future.” You’re in between where you’re at and where you’re going to be.

Well that’s called transition. Life is a series of transitions. Your ability to understand and master transition is the key to you mastering the abrupt changes that life throws at you. And your inability to understand and navigate your way through transition can be a prescription for disaster.

Here’s help! I just released what I’m told is a very powerful, cleaver, creative, life-changing new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. It quickly went to #1 on the Amazon Hot New Sellers list in the professional growth category!!!!
I would love for you to get a copy of Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. You can pre-order the paperback NOW and it will be delivered on March 1st, 2016! The E-Book can be yours right now. Order whatever version you choose right now by clicking on the link of your choice!




If you purchase and read Transition, you will:
• Understand what “transition” is and why it is so powerful.
• Learn that many times crisis is a mirage that on the surface appears to be meant to “bury you,” but often turns out to “elevate you.”
• Gain tremendous clarity on the difference between “change” and “transition.”
• Learn compellingly effective ways to navigate through the abrupt changes that life throws at you.

The Truth That Repeats Itself

Some powerful truths present themselves to you like a flash of light. They make a powerful bold entrance and then they are gone. If you fail to capture that truth on its fleeting introduction you may lose it forever. I’m speaking of the truth that did not linger. It did not stay around long enough to allow you to ponder it. It was fleeting. If you were not fast enough you may have never grasped it.

Then there are other truths that are more deliberate and more persistent. They make a bold entrance in your life, and make it clear that they are here to stay. If you do not get it on its introduction—no problem, because it will continue to speak to you until you hear it loud-and-clear. I call it “The Truth That Repeats Itself.”

When I say “truth” I’m speaking of a powerful discovery that came from heaven and not from earth. I’m talking about a life operating principal or law that God established and released in the earth.

Like a good advertiser, God uses multi-media marketing to get His messages to you. Repetition is the secret to accessing the unconscious mind of people. The most important rule in marketing is repetition. Too many marketing programs give up too soon. On average, you need to have seven to nine repeats before you will see results in your marketing program.

Advertising and marketing people have figured out what God wired into us when He created us. Pay attention. When God is trying to get a message of change to you He uses “multi-media marketing.” He sends that message to you in multiple ways, multiple times. You must pay attention to what appears to be coincidental. It’s probably not a coincidence, it’s more likely a “Godincidence!”

A toddler might come up to you and say something to you related to a new powerful truth. Then, while driving down the road you turn on the radio and hear a song that relates to it. You may be sitting at home watching TV, and a commercial comes on that reminds you of the new powerful concept that has been speaking to you. Then you go to church and the speaker brings up that same topic.

When that happens, it is not a coincidence. The truth that repeats itself is the truth that is destined to change your life. When you find certain powerful truths repeating themselves, do these three things:

  1. Embrace the Truth

Once you discover a powerful truth that is trying to break into your life, grab a hold of it. Let it know that it’s welcome in your life. No longer ignore it. Keep it on your radar.

  1. Study the Truth

Hang out with the truth that is trying to hang out with you. Study that truth. When you show that you are a true student it will begin to release all of its secrets.

  1. Apply the Truth

Start importing that truth into your daily life. Practice it until you become it. It’s not the truths that you have heard that will transform you—it’s the truths that you merge into your thinking, patterns, approach, and actions, that makes you into another man/another woman.

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The Truth That Speaks To You


Truth is something that you discover that comes from heaven and not earth.  Truth is “a God practice.” It’s a principle that God would practice if He lived on the earth. Guess what—He does…in you. Ultimately truth is “some aspect of God” that you’re supposed to practice until it becomes “some aspect of you.”

Do you know what season you’re in? If not, ask yourself, “What truth is courting me these days?” The truth that speaks to you the most is the one that defines what season you’re in. What truth has been talking to you the most lately? The truth that speaks to you the most; the loudest; the most often; the clearest; is the one that clarifies and communicates what season you’re in. You should always know what season you’re in.

The season for silence is not the season for talking.

  • Sometimes God wants you to be silent because what you’re carrying is in the incubation stage.
  • If you speak about it too soon you might scramble the egg before it even gets fertilized, grows 9 months, and births something that will last forever.
  • It is much more powerful to “do something” and then talk about it than it is to “talk about it” and then only hope to do it. Let your “DO-ing” do your “TALKing.”

The season for getting serious is not the season for playing.

  • There are times when life is asking you to sober up and get focused.
  • There’s a time when tee-hee, ha-ha, rah-rah, yahoo, and a bunch of foolishness ain’t gon’ cut it.
  • There comes a time where you need to tie up loose ends, handle your business and get things in order.
  • Are you in a season of getting serious about some things?

Truth’s Cost

Sometimes we look at truth and ask, “How much is it going to cost?” In other words, “How much of me is this going to require?” There are some truths that people don’t practice simply because they cost too much. They require more of them than they’re willing to pay. That’s why many people don’t do things correctly—it costs too much. We like to ask: ‘’How long is it going to take?” “Am I going have to go study?” “How many hours?” “Will I have to get up early?” “Can I still be with my friends?” “Will it hurt?”

When you find truth that you can’t live without, it is worth going after it with all you have. One of Jesus’ disciples understood it—He said, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45-46).

As long as I can find some part of my life that doesn’t match the promises that God has made I’m going to “sell” my time, my comfort, my convenience, my rest, my sleep and my money. I’m gonna’ sell it; I’m gonna’ exchange it—for the truth that will bring me everything that’s missing (in my life).

The truth that speaks to you the “loudest” is the one that is trying to transform you the “greatest.”

The Power to Live in “Today” While Thinking Into “Tomorrow”

Not only should I be “thinking” ahead, but I should be “going” ahead. You see, you must go into the future on the “inside” before you’ll ever get there on the “outside.” The other night I was speaking to someone who was in Paris. It was Thursday night where I was at. I said, “What time is it there?” She said, “It’s 10 am.” She said, “I’m already in the future.” Wow! I was in Thursday evening and she was already in Friday morning…both at the same time.

That is why God gives you an imagination—to allow you to visit an amazing future ahead of time. He gives you an imagination to allow you to see pictures of an awesome future to motivate the actions necessary to get there. Imagine-nation. God allows you to go and get images from “another” nation and bring them to “your” nation to produce a “new” nation (a new personal world). What images are you capturing about your future?

You can do something significant “today” that will trigger something more amazing “tomorrow.” This moment is setting up the next moment. This moment is setting up a future moment. This moment is pregnant with power. This moment is pregnant with purpose.


God has made us bi-dimensional. You can be in this moment and set something in motion for the next moment. In so doing, you are in both moments at the same time. Just because something appears to not be going right in the current moment doesn’t mean that trend will continue.

Your “heart” is more intelligent than your “circumstances.” What is your heart telling you? I’m not asking what your circumstances are saying. Have you listened to what your heart has to say? If not, break away from everything and get in a quiet place and just listen. Is your heart saying?…

  • Things are going to get better.
  • This situation IS going to turn around.
  • As long as you have time you have a chance for a turnaround.
  • Your destiny is ordering divine corrections.
  • You always come out on top.
  • Break away from the details.
  • Break away from a certain person.
  • Get away from a certain group of people.
  • Every storm that “starts” has a “finish.”
  • Even if it doesn’t turn out the way you think, it will still turn out in your favor.
  • The presence of difficulty does not mean the absence of God.
  • You made it through every difficulty up to this point and are still standing.
  • You’re “unkillable!”

What is your heart saying?

Although you are in your “present” you can still affect your “future.” You are so powerful that you can live in “today” while thinking into “tomorrow.”

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Why You Should Trust Your Destiny

God calls you something great and then gives you time to become it. Why does God do that? Because He never starts something until He finishes it first—including you. So what God does is He starts in the beginning and goes all the way to the ending, completes everything, and then goes back to the beginning and says, “Start from here.” He gets everything you need to be amazing, loads you down with it in your beginning, points you in the direction of the journey He just mapped out for you and tells you, “Now walk out the path that I just mapped out for you.” God “maps it out” but you have to “walk it out.”

He pre-codes everything in your life to guarantee the fulfillment of your divine destiny in the earth. Your destiny is so powerful that it pre-dates your time on the earth and post-dates your time in the earth. You came out of God. He reached inside of Himself to get you. Your parents didn’t “create” you, they “birthed” you. He puts greatness “in you” but requires you to bring it “out of you.”

The prophet Isaiah said, God declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). He starts in the beginning and boldly declares how it’s going to end. He gives everything an ending at the beginning. The purpose and power behind your life is beyond what your mind can comprehend.


God has told the earth to cooperate with the purposes for which you were sent to it. The more you act like who God made you, the more your destiny will honor you.

  1. Realize there’s a “you” that already exists on the inside of you that’s much greater than the “you” you’re currently familiar with.
  • God told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
  • God was pre-loading Jeremiah before anyone ever knew he was going to be born.
  • You were created before you were born.
  • God put something amazing in you before you were born. What is lying dormant in you that is waiting for its revealing?
  • What passion burns on the inside of you that we don’t really see much of on the outside of you?
  • What’s hidden in you that’s great, that needs to come out?
  1. Begin to believe that every resource and person necessary for the fulfillment of your destiny will find its way to you.
  • God has never imagined Himself being without something that should be in His life. So why should you?
  • Everything prepared for you before the foundation of the world, that pertains to your life, your ministry, your calling, and your godliness, has been given to you.
  • The Apostle Peter said it this way, “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness… (II Peter 1:3).
  • Start believing that everything that belongs to you will find its way to you.

The more faith you have in the fact that God has pre-chartered an amazing course for your life, the more likely that course will chart its way to you.

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The Absence of “Visible” Results Does Not Mean the Lack of “Invisible” Activity

The past tries to convince you that anything that didn’t happen in its era is not going to happen in the next. The fact that it didn’t happen in the “past” is all the more reason for it to show up in your “future.” Your “negative” past is one of the worse predictors of your “positive” future.

Don’t judge your life by your current speed, but by the speed at which God can cause you to catch up (and pass) where you hoped to be by now.

Start sending as much as you possibly can into your future. Start sending power prayers, prophetic words, dreams, hope, visualization, declarations, and expectation. What you release “today” goes into your “tomorrow,” and will be there waiting for you when you get there in the form of a harvest.

God is already in next week. He’s not stuck in this present moment. He does not submit to time. Your current stagnation in the “natural” is not a sign of a stand-still in the “supernatural.” Spirituality is your realization of and connection to the “invisible world,” that controls everything that we see in the “visible world.” The absence of “visible” results does not mean the lack of “invisible” activity. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3b). It’s what’s going on “behind the scenes” that’s controlling what we see “on the scene.”


God Could Be Behind the Scenes…

  • Scheduling a series of events that will propel you into your destiny.
  • Preparing to make one bold, swift move in your life that will catapult you quantum leaps ahead.
  • Clearing everything from the path ahead of you so you can walk in your future with no hindrances or encumbrances.
  • Doing something “in” you that will cause nothing but amazing things to spring forth “from” you.
  • Training your future to never ignore you like your past did.

Just because it appears that nothing “good” is happening right now does not mean nothing “God” is happening right now. Leave room in the equation for God. He’s behind the scenes right now aligning things for your future.

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Design Your Destination With Your Expectation!

Expectation is giving the future something to prepare for.” I didn’t say, “Prepare for the future”—I said, “The future is going to prepare for you!” That is, if you give it a powerful enough expectation. Have you placed a demand on the future? Have you given the future something to prepare for? Your expectation gives your day an assignment that it must go and fulfill.

You must give the day something to be challenged by. You have to give the day something to be inspired by. You must give the day a target to hit. It is imperative that you give the day a great expectation—“a God expectation.”


See, right now you are probably expecting your days to be filled with normalcy. A normal mundane day is one where you get up, get dressed, go to work, experience a stress-filled day, come home, try to find something to eat, sit down and watch TV, fall asleep, go to bed, and get up the next morning to repeat the same pattern over-and-over again. “The level of your expectation is determining the level of your experience.”


Raise the level of your expectation and see an elevation of your experience.”

Start expecting better. Start expecting more. Take it further than that and start expecting amazing things to happen. Expect the ridiculous, the supernatural, the “way-out,” and the fantastic. Start expecting accelerated results. Expect acceleration, multiplication, debt-elimination, promotion, increase, favor, momentum, and advancement. Take your expectation up to a place that will make the day say, “I’ve never done this before in this guy’s life.” “She’s never inspired me like this before.” “This is expectation like God’s.” “I’m being backed into a corner and being forced to support results that match this person’s expectation.” Perhaps an amazing future has been waiting to reveal itself when it sees an amazing expectation.

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