I JUST RELEASED MY NEW BOOK: Transition–Mastering Life’s Movements!!!

Are you one of the millions of people who are in a place where something has ended and you know you can’t return to it, and the next season has started but you haven’t yet arrived in it? The something that is ending could be a way of thinking, a mindset, a relationship, or a host of other things. It’s like your left foot is on your “present” while your right foot is stepping into your “future.” You’re in between where you’re at and where you’re going to be.

Well that’s called transition. Life is a series of transitions. Your ability to understand and master transition is the key to you mastering the abrupt changes that life throws at you. And your inability to understand and navigate your way through transition can be a prescription for disaster.

Here’s help! I just released what I’m told is a very powerful, cleaver, creative, life-changing new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. It quickly went to #1 on the Amazon Hot New Sellers list in the professional growth category!!!!
I would love for you to get a copy of Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. You can pre-order the paperback NOW and it will be delivered on March 1st, 2016! The E-Book can be yours right now. Order whatever version you choose right now by clicking on the link of your choice!




If you purchase and read Transition, you will:
• Understand what “transition” is and why it is so powerful.
• Learn that many times crisis is a mirage that on the surface appears to be meant to “bury you,” but often turns out to “elevate you.”
• Gain tremendous clarity on the difference between “change” and “transition.”
• Learn compellingly effective ways to navigate through the abrupt changes that life throws at you.

The Power of a Moment

Never discount the power of “a moment.” This moment is powerful because it has never existed before—neither will it ever exist again. So you must extract from this moment all that it has to offer. This moment has something to say—it has something to impart to you.

If you fail to pay attention to what “the present” is saying to you, you will lose “the present” that this moment is presenting. That gift will be lost. Every moment is different than the rest, even if you find yourself in the same place multiple times.

Not only does God create an entirely new day every 24 hours, but He creates an entirely new moment every second. Slow down and discern the present moment. Don’t discount this moment in favor of the next one. If you miss your moment, you will forever miss the value of what that moment had to offer. All of humanity could possibly be robbed of some amazing impartation because you failed to discern your moment.


God brought you out of the spirit world into this physical world. You came from another world. Therefore you have intelligence beyond your brain. Not only can your mind receive information, but your heart can receive an impartation. Don’t leave part of you behind. Bring all of you to the moment. Bring your thinking capacity, your sensing capacity, your instincts, and your ability to discern.

Your eyes are for seeing what’s obvious—your heart is for discerning what’s concealed. Your hands are for touching what’s noticeable—your heart is for touching what’s invisible. More is going on than the eye and ear can detect. Bring your entire being to the moment. Use all of you to pick up all that is being disseminated because this moment will never come again.

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