Position Yourself For Acceleration!!!

Don’t just judge your life by the current speed at which you are progressing, judge your life by the speed at which God can catch you up with where you’re supposed to be.  Don’t think the “present” inactivity of your life is an indication of your “future” progress.  Oftentimes, your life responds “tomorrow” to what you do “today.”

Don’t think that its too late for you to fulfill your destiny and purpose. Don’t think you’re too old.  God can cause something to happen suddenly that will erase years of apparent stagnation.  All it takes is a sudden “God occurrence” to equalize everything that “didn’t happen” that you thought “should have happened.”

It’s time for you to position yourself for acceleration. Acceleration is the capacity to gain speed within a short time. It’s quick advancement. Acceleration is the rate of forward progress and advancement per moment of time. It’s hastening; quickening. Fast. …Get acceleration in your spirit. Get it on your radar, because what you entertain believes it has a chance to enter your life. 


Begin to expect God to do something suddenly. Increase your disciplines–get up early, do things correctly and quit taking shortcuts. Keep putting quality thoughts, actions, words and deeds in the “bank.”  At some point the bank account of your life will burst and spill out something incredible.

As you increase your disciplines you position yourself for the suddenly.   There are even occasions where a suddenly anointing hits. A suddenly anointing is when there is little (to no) distance in time between an initial desire for something and it’s materialization.

God said, “I have declared the former things from of old; yes, they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them: SUDDENLY I did them, and they happened” (Isaiah 48:3).

It’s not too late–you have acceleration on your side. You have the possibility of the suddenly to occur. Be powerfully encouraged today!


Regain Time That You Lost!

Do you feel like you should be further in life than you are right now? If you’re like millions of others you feel like it might be too late to be what you were supposed to be and to accomplish what you were supposed to accomplish. You got so distracted by “life” that you never got around to connecting with your “destiny.”

Well listen, there is a concept called “Restored Time” that can give you back time that you lost! God said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…(Joel 2:25). Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost.

You can miss a moment because you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive, or you were in foolishness, or ignorance. If you miss a moment it could cost you the loss of the experience that moment had to offer. But God can replace the time that you lost.

2-Ways He Will Restore Time:

  1. He’ll give you more time.
    • Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him
    my salvation.”
    God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
    • Proverbs 3:2 says that his word will add length of days, and long life
    to you.
  2. He’ll accelerate your results.
    God can supernaturally cause what it would take 2 years to happen, to happen in 2 months.
    • Psalms 84:10 says, “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.
    • Psalms 90:4 says, “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past.
    • II Peter 3:8b says, But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    • The principle is this. God compares ones to thousands.
    • 1 day in God’s presence can accelerate you a thousand days (i.e. 2 years & 9 months).
    • One way to trigger Restored Time is by taking a day off work to spend in the presence of God. No TV, no people, no phones, no food—just you and God for an entire day.
    When you’re in God’s presence He gives you something that produces acceleration.
    • By doing so you set a spiritual law of (acceleration by a thousand) into motion. What would normally take you a thousand days to accomplish (i.e. 2 years & 9 months) God can cause to occur in 1 day.
    • A day of fasting and prayer is not a day of loss. It’s a day of acceleration!
    • God literally shrinks, compresses, and compacts the length of time it would normally take for you to advance, and puts it as 1-day, or into one moment.

Notice that God does not just restore lost moments, He restores “years.” I pray that God would supernaturally restore to you the years that you may have lost, along with all the things you could have accomplished during those lost years!!

Synchronized Time

Some coincidences are more than just a coincidence.  Some are a literal coinciding or an alignment of forces in the universe to create an event or circumstance.

Synchronized time is when internal forces collide with external forces to create a powerful moment that can literally change your life.

Have you ever had a song in your heart that you hummed throughout the day?  That’s the internal.  Then, someone walks into your presence and starts singing that very song out loud.  That’s the external.  How is that?  Well, what you meditate on, on the inside, will eventually place a demand on the external world and require a response.

Synchronize means to occur, or to cause to occur at the same instant; to cause to agree in time.  Synchronized time is when 2 worlds collide to produce a God moment.  It’s a moment when world’s intertwine—when 2 worlds meet.

Have you ever made a wrong turn and pulled into a gas station to turn around, and run into an old friend that you had lost contact with?  You would not have seen them unless you made the wrong turn.  Something amazing happened that would not have happened unless you went the wrong way.  Synchronized time is when God takes what seemingly is a “mistake” and turns it into something “magical.”


Synchronized time is when you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  It’s an apparent chance meeting where you bump into, or come face-to-face with a person, a group, or an organization who not only has the answer to your problem, the piece to your puzzle, the cure for your hurt, the relief for your suffering, the favor and influence to your obscurity, or the money for your lack, but also has the desire and willingness to offer it to you with no strings attached.

In September of 2006 a friend of mine who had been out of work walked into an office and was approached by someone who asked him if he was looking for a job.  When he said “yes,” the person said, “You can have my job—I’m going to be moving.”  He then took him in the back to meet his employer and they hired him that day.

His visit to that office perfectly collided with a young man who was about to make a geographical move out of the area.  He walked “in” when the guy was walking “out.”  His visit to the office was perfectly synchronized with the young man’s exit out.

There’s chronos, which relates to the sequence of time.  Thus, we get the word chronological from.  Then there’s Kairos, which is a moment in time—a God moment, where an opening appears that requires a quick response from you for success to occur.

There are times in your life where success tomorrow is not good enough—you really need something to happen right now.  God can cause the resource to appear at the exact same time your need reaches it’s point of desperation.  That’s synchronicity.

How to Birth Synchronized Time

  • Minute-by-minute obedience births synchronized time!
  • Obey Me, and then I will be your God, and you will be My people. You must follow every way I command you so that it may go well with you (Jeremiah 7:23) Holman Christian Standard Bible.
  • How would you like to be in the right place at the right time every day of your life? Minute-by-minute obedience to the Spirit of God puts you there!
  • If the Spirit moves you to take a different route home you better take it.
  • If you feel led to shake the hand of a stranger you better do it.
  • If you feel led to buy the guy’s lunch in the line behind you at the local sandwich shop, you better do it.
  • The Spirit of God just might by trying to synchronize you.

Who’s More Powerful…You or The Day?

I heard Dr. Cindy Trimm say, “One of the first things that God gives you authority over is a day.” If you can’t control a day you will have difficulty controlling your destiny.  If you lose control of a day, then 9 times out of 10 you will be misaligned with your destiny.”

God gives you bite-sized pieces of probation—called days.  And if you have authority over that probationary period, He’ll move you into different levels of authority.  He’ll expand your terrain, and your sphere of rulership.

So, I began focusing on days.  Focusing on today.  Only.  Maximizing days.

Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).  Here’s the revelation.  3 Things:

1.  Place a Mental Border Around Today

  • Leave tomorrow’s concerns for tomorrow.
  • If you carry tomorrow’s load into today you will exceed your mental, physical, and spiritual capacity for today. The overload will sabotage your ability to make any progress today.

2.  Bring All That You Possibly Have to This Day

  • Don’t conserve part of you for tomorrow. You will receive a new impartation of power tomorrow. “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning” (Lamentations 3:23 NLT).
  • What if you got up early this morning and decided to focus all that you had on this day, and this day only? What if you decided to bring to this day…
  • Your best focus
  • Your highest energy
  • Your best creativity
  • Your keenest attention
  • Your highest ideas
  • Your highest level of faith
  • Your best ingenuity
  • Your best craftiness
  • Your best habits
  • Your best patterns
  • Your best thoughts

3.  If You Can Do It For a Day You Can Do It For a Lifetime

  • If you can do it today (for one day), then tomorrow, all you have to do is decide that you’re going to do it again (just for 1 day though).
  • Then, the next morning when you get up all you have to do is decide that you’re going to do it again (just for 1 day).
  • Before you know it you will have put together one of the best weeks of your life. If you repeat the pattern each day, before you know it you will have put together the best month of your life.
  • Before you know it you will have put together the best quarter of your life; the best half year of your life; the best year of your life; the best life ever!

When you show that you can take authority over a day God will elevate you to higher levels of authority in life!  Things will start to recognize your authority and obey you.  Things will cooperate with your divine destiny and purpose.

How will you approach tomorrow differently?  Leave a comment. 




Have You Lost Time That You Wish You Could Get Back?

If you are like most people you probably feel like you have lost time that you wish you could get back. Perhaps there have been seasons of your life where you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive. Maybe you lost focus and missed some opportunities that may never come again. It could be that you lost time due to ignorance or a season of foolishness.

If you miss a moment, it could cost you the loss of the experience that was made available (only) during that moment. But, all is not lost because there is something called “restored time!” Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost. The prophet Joel was eloquent when he said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…” (Joel 2:25). Notice that God will restore “years.” In other words, He will buy back large blocks of time that you lost.


2-Ways He Will Restore Time:

  1.  He’ll give you more time.
  • God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
  • Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”
  • Proverbs 3:2 says that His word will add length of days, and long life to you.
  1. He’ll accelerate your results.

The “Prophetic Acceleration of Time.” Here’s how the prophetic acceleration of time works:

  • If you were to break your ankle—it takes a minimum of 6 weeks for a broken bone to heal.
  • It takes 3-4 months for a person to resume normal functions.
  • So what God does in a prophetic moment is He goes out 4 months, gets your healing, and brings it into your present, and boom!—it instantly takes place.
  • He accelerates time triggered by your prophetic declaration. I believe therefore I have spoken (II Corinthians 4:13).

 Prophesying Your Future

  • When you prophesy your future what you’re doing is sending a word to your future.
  • But that’s not all that happens. …Your future sends a word to you and tells you, “You better say something, because 2 years from now I’m gonna’ need what you say to see me through.”
  • That’s why in a prophetic moment you must open up your mouth and speak.
  • It could be that your (unborn) great grandchildren are putting a demand on this moment.
  • The million dollars you’ve been prophesying may not even be for you. I could be for the generation after next.

If you feel like you have lost “time” don’t lose “hope.” God can either extend your years (so you can fulfill what you were destined to fulfill), or accelerate your results. Either way, He can (and will) restore time that you lost.

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What To Do If 2015 Is Not Giving You What You Expected

Is 2015 giving you what you expected it to? If not, could the reason be because you haven’t given 2015 what it was expecting of you? Actually 2015 is moving in the direction of 2016. It never stands still. The New Year has no feelings or concerns. It’s compassionless. It never adjusts itself for you and what’s happening in your life. It’s just there all the time—going at the same steady pace. So, it’s not so much what 2015 is bringing to you as it is what you’re bringing to 2015.

Have you brought a new mind to 2015, or are you using the mind you had in 2014? Have you brought a new process of thought to this year? What about seeing yourself as the reason why 2015 will be different than 2014? We expect the New Year to automatically bring change every January 1st. Everything changes when you do, not just because the calendar changes. The year will change when you change. If you don’t change, neither will the “new year.”


When your disposition changes you start attracting everything that is associated with the new disposition that you brought to the table. Your disposition is your temperament, your nature, and your mentality. You must break into a whole new world of disposition. You have to get in the environment of worlds of thought that are beyond your current world of thinking, acting, and moving. Then, hang out there, and let it transform your world of thought.

When you hear new concepts of thought and embrace them, they start changing your disposition. When your disposition starts changing it has a built-in system that starts telling everything in your world to bring you new experiences and results that match your new disposition.

Two Quick Things:

  1.  What internal change are you going to make?
  • What thought pattern or self-view is slowing you down, or literally stopping you from making the moves that you need to make to move you to the next era of your life?
  • Identify one thing, make the funeral arrangements, and bury it.
  • What you “put to death” creates room for something new and amazing to “come to life.”
  1. Start making moves without waiting for validation first.
  • There are things that you have in your spirit to pursue that you have not pursued because you are waiting for validation from someone (other than you).
  • You’re one the greatest people in your life. That’s right. “You” are one of the greatest people in your life.
  • You are the only one that you need validation from to make the move you’ve been thinking of making.
  • Perhaps for the very first time, just do it without seeking permission from someone other than you.

If 2015 has not brought you the change you were expecting it to, perhaps it’s because you have not brought it the change it was waiting for from you.

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The Spirit of Acceleration!!

Do you need the progress of your life to speed up to catch you up with where you’re supposed to be at this point in your life? If so, you need the Spirit of acceleration to hit your life!

The Spirit of Acceleration is when God gives your life the ability to supersede times laws and break times speed limits. Its when God gives you a speedy turn-around. When things start happening quickly for you. Its when God causes you to bypass the process—where what normally takes 5 years to happen, God causes to happen in 5 months!!!

We are living in an era of compressed time, where time is condensed, squeezed together, and constricted. It’s almost like time is moving too fast. Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time to accomplish all that God has placed inside of you. Let’s believe God to move the progress of our life at a speed that exceeds the speed of time!!

Anytime you have time compression, acceleration becomes the essence of the hour. You have to do things more quickly—you must make decisions more swiftly. If you are going to do something significant, now is the time!


God never asks time for permission to do anything He desires to do. God does not obey time, time obeys Him. Time is something that God created. He told man to take dominion over things created (Gen 1:26), which means you can dominate time!!

Warped Time

Warped time is where the flow of time is interrupted or distorted. It’s also when time is suspended—where time appears to stand still.

The prophet Amos said, Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when the plowman (the guy who tills the soil before you even plant anything) shall overtake the reaper (the one who takes up the harvest), and the treader of grapes him who sows seed…(Amos 9:13).

2 Possible Speculative Meanings

  1. Before you can sow your seed good it will be producing a harvest.
  • God will cause you to bypass the process of time.
  • The moment the decision to sow is made, God has the UPS Guy (in the spirit) to put the package on the delivery truck to your door.
  1. Second speculative meaning. Your seed is going to produce a harvest so large that before you can gather it all up, it’s going to be time to prepare the ground for sowing again.
  • That’s the first kind of warped time. God causes you to bypass the normal process of time; God distorts the normal process.

The 2nd Type of Warped Time

  • God suspends time; He literally stops time. …
  • God erased about a whole day out of the history books of man for Joshua—He froze events to allow Joshua and his allies to get an advantage over their enemies (Joshua 10:12-13).


It is likely that you feel like you should be further ahead than you currently are (in some areas of your life). It may not look like you can catch up. Stop the tape…God can supernaturally suspend time to allow you to catch up to where you’re supposed to be. Or, God can speed up the progress of your life such that it goes at a faster rate than time (where it looks like time stands still while you get caught up to where you were supposed to be).

Get acceleration on your “spiritual radar.” Begin to believe God for the Spirit of Acceleration!

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Living Outside of the Calendar

Never wait for permission from the calendar before you be who you desire to be and do what you desire to do. Many people are waiting on the” new year” in order to experience a “new life.” Don’t allow time to hold you hostage until a future date on the calendar before you can experience the kind of results that you dream about.

What ever happened to “this is the day that the Lord has made?” Today is the day to be great. Today God introduced a day that no one in the world had ever seen before. This day has never been lived, or experienced by anyone in the history of the world. Why not introduce a “new you” to this “new day?” Do like God. Live TODAY like you have never lived before. Don’t wait for some future date to be amazing.


Start living on purpose even while you’re sleep. Stop talking great and living common. When you do, every thought that comes through your brain will start being divinely influenced.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (I Cor 3:16 NKJV). You are the place where God lives. The spirit you carry determines the fragrance that your life gives off. You are carrying The Spirit of God. His Spirit (in you) will naturally influence the “control center” of your life—your spirit, and send out supernatural signals to the entire universe to align everything for the fulfillment of your divine assignment. That is, if you are conscious of His internal influence and flow with His promptings.

Power Points on Living Outside of the Calendar

  • The day is watching you to see if you’re its parent or its child.
  • The realm in which God lives (the spirit realm) is a realm where there’s no time, no boundaries, no walls, and no bureaucracy. The more time you spend there the more limits you will exceed.
  • When you tap into the spirit realm you tap into a dimension that can give you the ability to supersede time’s laws, and break times speed limits.
  • The only period you really live in is NOW.  NOW is a permanent eternity.  It’s there all the time.  It’s always now. Start being “now” what you hope to be in the “future.”
  • Don’t wait on some future date, live great enough for the future date to start waiting on you.

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