Last week while speaking to an audience I said, “Open your spirit to new thoughts on the matter at hand that you’ve never considered.” “Open your spirit to new thoughts” implies that you have the ability to not just think in your “head,” but to think in your “heart.”
Solomon, who was touted as the wisest man of his day (I Kings 4:30) said, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you” (Proverbs 23:7). Notice it says, “As he thinks in his “heart”—not his “head.” It’s not all the thought traffic in your head that determines who you are. It’s the thoughts that you let get past your “head” and sink into your “heart” that make you who you are.
“As you think in your HEART so are you.” It’s not what you say to “others” about you, but what you say to “you” about you that tells who you really are. I could tell you, “I’m blessed and highly favored,” and tell myself, “You ain’t nothin’.” The words I spoke on the inside (in my heart to myself) would be more true than the words I mouthed to you.
In Proverbs 23:7 Solomon was actually talking about a stingy man who tells his guest, “Eat all you want,” when he’s telling himself he hopes they don’t eat up his food because those groceries were expensive. What he said to his “guest” was what he wanted his guest to think he was. What he said to “himself” was who he really was.
Thinking in Your Heart…
- Thinking in your heart is taking the thoughts that come in your head that you believe (whether they be good or bad), capturing them, and storing them in your heart.
- Thinking in your heart is the conclusions you make to yourself (on the inside) about yourself.
- Thinking in your heart is what you think about when you aren’t thinking about anything.
So, what are you really like? To answer that you have to answer “How do you think in your “heart”?” The way you think in your “heart”—not in your “mind”…is what you’re really like…is how you really are.
Start paying more attention to the thoughts that you are letting sink down in your “heart.”
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