More often than not we try to produce significant “external results” without any meaningful “internal support.” In other words,
in order to birth something significant you have to be pregnant with it first. We often focus on the result instead of focusing on what produces it.
When what you’re carrying becomes bigger than the womb that’s holding it, it is forced to be released to a world with enough capacity to hold it. All it takes is feeding what you’re pregnant with until it becomes too big to stay inside.
What is it that you want to birth? What results can you no longer live without? Who is it that you need to become? Get pregnant first. You have to get pregnant with what it is that you’re going after. Take it in. Plant it in your spirit. Then, start feeding that baby—and in nine (9) months, boom, you will have that “baby.” Now elephants are pregnant for 22 months before they give birth. The revelation is this, if you want to produce elephant size results, you must be willing to feed what you’re pregnant with for a longer period of time.
There are times when you realize that you are already pregnant with a dream or desire, and there are other times when you realize that you need to get pregnant with your desire. There has to come a moment in your life where you decide what is missing in your life “today” will not be allowed to be non-existent “tomorrow.”
Are you already pregnant with something great? If so, you better feed that baby. You become what you’re full of. What is it that you can no longer live without? Start feeding that thing. Give it a constant dose of 5 things:
- Visualization
You have to go there on the “inside” before you can go there on the “outside.” You must get an image on the inside of what it is that you’re trying to produce. You must keep images in front of your eyes of what you desire to see in your life. Get images of it—both internal images and actual pictures.
- Meditation
Biblical meditation is not the absence of thought. It’s not trying to rid your mind of thoughts. It is the deliberate repetition of God’s word in your mouth & mind. Meditation is to go over in your mind; to mutter (which is to speak with a low voice under your breath). God told Joshua that his success is tied to his ability to meditate (see Joshua 1:8).
3. Revelation
Open your heart to the unveiling—the revealing of something specific about what it is that you’re trying to produce. What you entertain believes it has a chance to enter your life. Expect for your vision to be awakened to see and know things that you never knew before. Look for answers to suddenly appear.
4. Expectation
Expectation is giving the future something to prepare for. That’s right—your expectation gives your future an assignment to obey. Expect to see in your “future” what you currently see in your “spirit.” Expectation is a form of releasing your faith. Faith has to be released in order for it to produce.

- Declaration
A declaration is an emphatic statement backed by power and authority. The atmosphere has ears. The atmosphere is pre-coded to obey commands from those with authority. After Jesus effectively got the winds to obey him, people concluded, “Even the winds and waves obey Him.” When was the last time you even attempted to speak to an atmosphere?
It’s time for results. Period. Results!
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