Position Yourself For Acceleration!!!

Don’t just judge your life by the current speed at which you are progressing, judge your life by the speed at which God can catch you up with where you’re supposed to be.  Don’t think the “present” inactivity of your life is an indication of your “future” progress.  Oftentimes, your life responds “tomorrow” to what you do “today.”

Don’t think that its too late for you to fulfill your destiny and purpose. Don’t think you’re too old.  God can cause something to happen suddenly that will erase years of apparent stagnation.  All it takes is a sudden “God occurrence” to equalize everything that “didn’t happen” that you thought “should have happened.”

It’s time for you to position yourself for acceleration. Acceleration is the capacity to gain speed within a short time. It’s quick advancement. Acceleration is the rate of forward progress and advancement per moment of time. It’s hastening; quickening. Fast. …Get acceleration in your spirit. Get it on your radar, because what you entertain believes it has a chance to enter your life. 


Begin to expect God to do something suddenly. Increase your disciplines–get up early, do things correctly and quit taking shortcuts. Keep putting quality thoughts, actions, words and deeds in the “bank.”  At some point the bank account of your life will burst and spill out something incredible.

As you increase your disciplines you position yourself for the suddenly.   There are even occasions where a suddenly anointing hits. A suddenly anointing is when there is little (to no) distance in time between an initial desire for something and it’s materialization.

God said, “I have declared the former things from of old; yes, they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them: SUDDENLY I did them, and they happened” (Isaiah 48:3).

It’s not too late–you have acceleration on your side. You have the possibility of the suddenly to occur. Be powerfully encouraged today!


Is Your “Something New” Being Blocked By Your “Something Old?”

When God wants to do something “new” but you’re blinded by your attachment to something “old,” you are probably going to miss a powerful life shift. In order to enter new realms you must entertain new thoughts, ideas and approaches. In other words, if you expect God to do something new in your life you better start doing something new first.

If you’re destined for a powerful future, that future will require things of you that your past didn’t. So start doing something different ahead of time. The next level is waiting on your next bold move.


In order to get un-stuck; in order to create new momentum; in order to see new progress, do something entirely different than is your normal pattern.

Your destiny knows exactly what Its doing. It knows exactly where Its trying to take you.  Your destiny is extremely intelligent.

  • What has It been telling you to do differently?
  • What steps has It been trying to get you to take?
  • What (seemingly) weird approach has It been telling you take?
  • What behavior or action is It telling you is affecting results in an area that appears to be unrelated to the behavior?
  • What signs, symbols, urges and nudges has your destiny been sending?
  • Are you sensing the subtle messages that your destiny is sending you?

Don’t miss the powerfully new thing that is waiting for you by failing to step into a powerfully new concept, approach, action or pattern.


Powerful Answers Found In Questions!!

  • What if the calendar days of the year were like human beings waiting to see what name you put on their birth certificate?
  • What if each day on the calendar is like an assignment that does not know what to do until it is given instructions?
  • What if wisdom is never “given” to you, but only “gotten” by you?
  • What if you only attract what you become on the inside first?
  • What if God is hiding himself in each of the people you encountered today, but you failed to see Him for seeing the person?
  • What if 90% of the revelation you hear immediately escapes you because it knows that you are not going to use it?
  • What if your words don’t believe you unless you believe them first?
  • What if the greatest works of art ever created and the greatest music ever written was not written on the earth but written in heaven, and released to those with the greatest capacity to see and hear them?
  • What if the money that you urgently need never comes because it never hears its name called?
  • What if God is speaking the loudest through His silence?
  • What if you made an effort to unlearn everything you were taught when you came to the earth that is incongruent with what God taught you before He sent you to the earth?
  • What if everyone is born a genius and those who still have that title are those who are the most successful at ignoring what life teaches about limits?
  • What if the next level of life has been waiting for you to enter it, but refuses to allow you in because you refuse to make the changes you know you need to make?
  • What if the money you want in your pocket has been watching you to see if it wants to be in your pocket?
  • What if the job you’ve been seeking refuses to reveal itself until it sees that you’re already working?
  • What if pain was allowed in the earth solely to remind us of the value of pleasure?
  • What if you are the only one capable of obstructing your destiny?
  • What if the only enemies that show up in your life are those who mirror something in you that attracted them?
  • What if you paid as much attention to the thoughts that you’re thinking in your “heart” as you do thoughts that you’re thinking in your “head?”
  • What if every area of your life where there is lack is merely a thought that went unthought?
  • What if all this was true?

Your Turn: What did this article speak to you? Enter a comment below.

If you like this post, enter your email address in the “subscribe to blog” section all the way at the bottom of this page (or in the pop-up offer). You will receive fresh content directly in your inbox. Plus, upon subscribing you will receive a creatively amazing free report!! You’ll love it and it will greatly empower you and bolster your results!!

Don’t Make “Permanent ” What God Has Made “Temporary”

When something significant is being built, scaffolding is put in place to support the building process. Scaffolding is temporarily attached to what is being built to get to places you could not ordinarily reach. The structure can’t be elevated to higher levels without the scaffolding. Once the structure is ready to be revealed the temporary scaffolding is removed.

As God is “building you,” there are temporary things in your life that you must not get attached to. Sometimes we get too attached to people; we get too attached to places; we get too attached to institutions. You have to recognize what is being used as a “temporary” means to move you ahead verses a source that you are to have “permanent” reliance on. That’s why sometimes relationships fall apart. Sometimes you lose an appetite for what used to feed you. Every now and then your reliance on an institution will be disappointed. You must understand that some people, some places, some institutions, some mindsets, and some approaches have expiration dates on them.

There are times when you have to blatantly abandon “what was” in favor of “what is to be.” You can’t be so attached to the “present” that you are not willing to abandon it in favor of your “future.” If there is no more life in it, it has already left you. Do not be so attached to something that you are not willing to let it go even when it has already gone.

Do not try to make “permanent” what God has made “temporary.”

I am excited about the release of my highly touted new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s movements! It speaks more extensively on letting go of the “present” in favor of your “future,” and so much more!!
Take a look at what people are saying about the book:

-I just finished this book and (((WOW))) what a great book that really gives you the bigger picture of what we all go through in life but never see it from this perspective. I love how this book gives you some specific practical tools that you can do every day and that you can be aware of in your conscious mind. I recommend getting this book in your library now, and once you read it you will want others to have it too. This will bless many.

-I Love this book! From the time I started reading it I knew right away that what I was reading was for me! As I read the first chapter describing to me what transition was or is; it was like food for my soul. I ate the first chapter really fast, it motivated and inspired me. I tweeted about how fast I was eating the book. I have been freed up from the confusion that seemingly alluded my life.

-I can only find “two” words right now. And that’s Anointed and Brilliant! I’m still in “Awe”! Seriously – no fluff! This book has just about summarized my past and present.

If you have not had the chance to get your copy of my powerful new book, consider getting a copy right now. Several people have purchased a copy for themselves and A second copy to sow into someone else’s life.


Discover the Number One Hindrance to a New Beginning

When you are looking for a “new beginning” you must have a clear vision of an “old ending.” The number one hindrance to having a new beginning is holding on (sentimentally) to the thoughts and feelings that were attached to a previous period. Make sure you do not get so stuck on being where God was that you fail to be where God is.

Some people wrap themselves around what God is no longer speaking and fortify themselves against the new thing that the Father is doing. It feels noble to protect something that God was doing when you’re ignorant to the fact that He’s no longer supporting that initiative. Don’t become so familiar with the previous revelation that you end up rejecting the update.

This blog post is a paraphrased excerpt from my POWERFULLY ENLIGHTENING NEW BOOK, Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements.
You must discern where God is at RIGHT NOW. When the children of Israel were wandering through the wilderness toward the Promised Land God told them to follow the cloud during the day, and follow the fire during the night. Being between where you were and where you are going can easily produce wondering. Which means you need a leader. Not a man this time. You need someone who knows their way around without a map and can produce light when it gets dark. He’s the Holy Spirit. The bible speaks of Him this way, “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is the Spirit of Truth. He’s the remover of helplessness and hopelessness. Start asking Him questions when you are seeking answers. Develop a mentorship relationship with Him.

I would love to have you get a copy of my book. The early reviews are incredible!! In addition, it has been on the Amazon Hot New Seller’s List (in the professional growth category) since the day after its release.

Get your copy RIGHT NOW!


Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Transition-Mastering-Movements-Stan-Ellis-ebook/dp/B01B8AWKSA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1454554338&sr=1-1&keywords=stan+ellis+transition

Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/transition-mastering-lifes-movements-stan-ellis/1123341674?ean=2940157967956


I JUST RELEASED MY NEW BOOK: Transition–Mastering Life’s Movements!!!

Are you one of the millions of people who are in a place where something has ended and you know you can’t return to it, and the next season has started but you haven’t yet arrived in it? The something that is ending could be a way of thinking, a mindset, a relationship, or a host of other things. It’s like your left foot is on your “present” while your right foot is stepping into your “future.” You’re in between where you’re at and where you’re going to be.

Well that’s called transition. Life is a series of transitions. Your ability to understand and master transition is the key to you mastering the abrupt changes that life throws at you. And your inability to understand and navigate your way through transition can be a prescription for disaster.

Here’s help! I just released what I’m told is a very powerful, cleaver, creative, life-changing new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. It quickly went to #1 on the Amazon Hot New Sellers list in the professional growth category!!!!
I would love for you to get a copy of Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. You can pre-order the paperback NOW and it will be delivered on March 1st, 2016! The E-Book can be yours right now. Order whatever version you choose right now by clicking on the link of your choice!


Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Transition-Mastering-Movements-Stan-Ellis-ebook/dp/B01B8AWKSA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1454554338&sr=1-1&keywords=stan+ellis+transition

Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/transition-mastering-lifes-movements-stan-ellis/1123341674?ean=2940157967956

If you purchase and read Transition, you will:
• Understand what “transition” is and why it is so powerful.
• Learn that many times crisis is a mirage that on the surface appears to be meant to “bury you,” but often turns out to “elevate you.”
• Gain tremendous clarity on the difference between “change” and “transition.”
• Learn compellingly effective ways to navigate through the abrupt changes that life throws at you.

Regain Time That You Lost!

Do you feel like you should be further in life than you are right now? If you’re like millions of others you feel like it might be too late to be what you were supposed to be and to accomplish what you were supposed to accomplish. You got so distracted by “life” that you never got around to connecting with your “destiny.”

Well listen, there is a concept called “Restored Time” that can give you back time that you lost! God said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…(Joel 2:25). Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost.

You can miss a moment because you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive, or you were in foolishness, or ignorance. If you miss a moment it could cost you the loss of the experience that moment had to offer. But God can replace the time that you lost.

2-Ways He Will Restore Time:

  1. He’ll give you more time.
    • Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him
    my salvation.”
    God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
    • Proverbs 3:2 says that his word will add length of days, and long life
    to you.
  2. He’ll accelerate your results.
    God can supernaturally cause what it would take 2 years to happen, to happen in 2 months.
    • Psalms 84:10 says, “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand.
    • Psalms 90:4 says, “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past.
    • II Peter 3:8b says, But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    • The principle is this. God compares ones to thousands.
    • 1 day in God’s presence can accelerate you a thousand days (i.e. 2 years & 9 months).
    • One way to trigger Restored Time is by taking a day off work to spend in the presence of God. No TV, no people, no phones, no food—just you and God for an entire day.
    When you’re in God’s presence He gives you something that produces acceleration.
    • By doing so you set a spiritual law of (acceleration by a thousand) into motion. What would normally take you a thousand days to accomplish (i.e. 2 years & 9 months) God can cause to occur in 1 day.
    • A day of fasting and prayer is not a day of loss. It’s a day of acceleration!
    • God literally shrinks, compresses, and compacts the length of time it would normally take for you to advance, and puts it as 1-day, or into one moment.

Notice that God does not just restore lost moments, He restores “years.” I pray that God would supernaturally restore to you the years that you may have lost, along with all the things you could have accomplished during those lost years!!

Synchronized Time

Some coincidences are more than just a coincidence.  Some are a literal coinciding or an alignment of forces in the universe to create an event or circumstance.

Synchronized time is when internal forces collide with external forces to create a powerful moment that can literally change your life.

Have you ever had a song in your heart that you hummed throughout the day?  That’s the internal.  Then, someone walks into your presence and starts singing that very song out loud.  That’s the external.  How is that?  Well, what you meditate on, on the inside, will eventually place a demand on the external world and require a response.

Synchronize means to occur, or to cause to occur at the same instant; to cause to agree in time.  Synchronized time is when 2 worlds collide to produce a God moment.  It’s a moment when world’s intertwine—when 2 worlds meet.

Have you ever made a wrong turn and pulled into a gas station to turn around, and run into an old friend that you had lost contact with?  You would not have seen them unless you made the wrong turn.  Something amazing happened that would not have happened unless you went the wrong way.  Synchronized time is when God takes what seemingly is a “mistake” and turns it into something “magical.”


Synchronized time is when you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  It’s an apparent chance meeting where you bump into, or come face-to-face with a person, a group, or an organization who not only has the answer to your problem, the piece to your puzzle, the cure for your hurt, the relief for your suffering, the favor and influence to your obscurity, or the money for your lack, but also has the desire and willingness to offer it to you with no strings attached.

In September of 2006 a friend of mine who had been out of work walked into an office and was approached by someone who asked him if he was looking for a job.  When he said “yes,” the person said, “You can have my job—I’m going to be moving.”  He then took him in the back to meet his employer and they hired him that day.

His visit to that office perfectly collided with a young man who was about to make a geographical move out of the area.  He walked “in” when the guy was walking “out.”  His visit to the office was perfectly synchronized with the young man’s exit out.

There’s chronos, which relates to the sequence of time.  Thus, we get the word chronological from.  Then there’s Kairos, which is a moment in time—a God moment, where an opening appears that requires a quick response from you for success to occur.

There are times in your life where success tomorrow is not good enough—you really need something to happen right now.  God can cause the resource to appear at the exact same time your need reaches it’s point of desperation.  That’s synchronicity.

How to Birth Synchronized Time

  • Minute-by-minute obedience births synchronized time!
  • Obey Me, and then I will be your God, and you will be My people. You must follow every way I command you so that it may go well with you (Jeremiah 7:23) Holman Christian Standard Bible.
  • How would you like to be in the right place at the right time every day of your life? Minute-by-minute obedience to the Spirit of God puts you there!
  • If the Spirit moves you to take a different route home you better take it.
  • If you feel led to shake the hand of a stranger you better do it.
  • If you feel led to buy the guy’s lunch in the line behind you at the local sandwich shop, you better do it.
  • The Spirit of God just might by trying to synchronize you.

The Questions You Ask Determines The Answers You Get

  • What if the calendar days of the year were like human beings waiting to see what name you put on their birth certificate?
  • What if each day on the calendar is like an assignment that does not know what to do until it is given instructions?
  • What if wisdom is never “given” to you, but only “gotten” by you?
  • What if you only attract what you become on the inside first?
  • What if God is hiding himself in each of the people you encountered today, but you failed to see Him for seeing the person?
  • What if 90% of the revelation you hear immediately escapes you because it knows that you are not going to use it?
  • What if your words don’t believe you unless you believe them first?
  • What if the greatest works of art ever created and the greatest music ever written was not written on the earth but written in heaven, and released to those with the greatest capacity to see and hear them?
  • What if the money that you urgently need never comes because it never hears its name called?
  • What if God is speaking the loudest through His silence?


  • What if you made an effort to unlearn everything you were taught when you came to the earth that is incongruent with what God taught you?
  • What if everyone is born a genius and those who still have that title are those who are the most successful at ignoring what life teaches about limits?
  • What if the next level of life has been waiting for you to enter it, but refuses to allow you in because you refuse to make the changes you know you need to make?
  • What if the money you want in your pocket has been watching you to see if it wants to be in your pocket?
  • What if the job you’ve been seeking refuses to reveal itself until it sees that you’re already working?
  • What if pain was allowed in the earth solely to remind us of the value of pleasure?
  • What if you are the only one capable of obstructing your destiny?
  • What if the only enemies that show up in your life are those who mirror something in you that attracted them?
  • What if you paid as much attention to the thoughts that you’re thinking in your “heart” as you do thoughts that you’re thinking in your “head?”
  • What if every area of your life where there is lack is merely a thought that went unthought?
  • What if all this was true?

Your Turn: What did this article speak to you? Enter a comment below.

If you like this post, enter your email address in the “subscribe to blog” section all the way at the bottom of this page (or in the pop-up offer). You will receive fresh content directly in your inbox. Plus, upon subscribing you will receive a creatively amazing free report!! You’ll love it and it will greatly empower you and bolster your results!!

Concealed Things Appear When You Get In The Right Place

In 1952 the cure for polio was discovered. However, the cure for polio actually existed prior to 1952 right alongside of polio—but it had to be discovered; it had to be revealed. What cure, what answer, what solution to your problem currently exists right alongside of your problem that you simply need to have revealed to you?

How do you get concealed things revealed to you? The obvious answer would be for you to seek the answers, solutions, and revelation you need. The unobvious answer is to seek the place that gives you the vantage point to see what is being hidden from you.

Not too long ago I was standing outside of a restaurant close to a large tree. A good friend of mine was several feet away from me but I did not know it because the tree was blocking my view of him. He was there but I could not see him. When I took two steps to the left I was surprised to see him standing only ten feet away from me. It was only when I got in the right place that I saw what was there all the time. If you can get in the right place you will be able to see what is there but hidden from you.


Someone from Florida can’t see the city of Detroit until they’ve entered the state of Michigan. There are certain things you will never see if you’re not in the right spiritual state. Maybe it’s not a matter of getting God to reveal things to you but a matter of you getting in a place where you can see revealed things.

How to Get In the Right State:

  1. Rid your mind of all prior thoughts on the matter.
  • If the dilemma still exists that means all the prior thoughts did not produce the solution.
  • Forget about everything that you did to decipher the code in the past. This will allow room for new un-thought thoughts.
  1. Discover the places in your world where you can hear the clearest.
  • It could be a drive into the country, sitting in the patio, on the lake, a walk in the woods, or sitting in the movie theater.
  • Once you discover that place, begin to frequent it for the purpose of hearing and seeing what you can’t hear and see anywhere else.
  • An uncluttered environment is the birthing place for “in”sight.
  1. Open your spirit to new thoughts on the matter that you have never considered.
  • If you’re not ready to record the new information it probably won’t come.
  • There are certain things that God won’t reveal until He knows you’re ready to record them.
  1. Discover what inspires creativity in you.
  • Creativity is attracted to creativity.
  • Go to the places that inspire the most creativity in you.
  • Get in the mindset that you are about to tap into solutions that you have never even considered before.
  1. Worship God as the God of creative power and authority.
  • What you worship Him “as” He will surround you “with.”


Your turn! What do you do to get yourself in the place to be able to see what is being hidden from you?