Don’t Stay in “Today” When “Tomorrow” is Calling

Your current season isn’t permanent. However, your season could have reached its expiration date but you haven’t.

In other words, you can stay in a season longer than necessary.

It’s easy to remain stuck in a season of stagnation. It’s a temporary occurrence that tries to become permanent. Frustration is a guest that comes and wears out its welcome and tries to become an indefinite resident. Conflict arises and endeavors to extend its presence for as long as possible. Mundane and normal find their place in your life and attempt to become a lifelong fixture. It takes effort to break free from stagnation. You have to employ strategy to eliminate frustration. You must be deliberate in order to eradicate conflict.

If you’re in a season of frustration–this season isn’t permanent. But don’t let it remain past its time. Don’t stay in “today” when “tomorrow” is calling. If happiness is an option, the first step towards it is a step away from frustration. Start walking towards it and you will walk right out of your frustration. I cover concepts like this very extensively in my new book titled TRANSITION.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Identify the Sources of Your Frustration
    When did the frustration start? Did it start when you entered a new environment? Did it arrive when a certain person, or a specific group of people came on the scene? Did your frustration start when a key person left? Or consider this—did your frustration begin when the possibility of a new, more powerful season presented itself? You see, sometimes when you recognize where you’re supposed to be; when you see where you “could be,” suddenly where you “currently are” becomes a place of frustration. When you can identify when the frustration began you can determine what needs to be removed, what needs to be replaced, or what new thing needs to be introduced into your world.
  2. Eliminate the Sources of Your Frustration
    Is it time to let go of what’s bringing “pain” instead of “pleasure?” Sometimes your season will change when you change what’s in it. There are times when you need to get rid of a person, eliminate a process, or re-establish a purpose. I am not espousing being harsh with people, but I am promoting saving your sanity.

  3. Police Your Environment
    God creates your life, but you create your world. Police it. Keep your eyes open to whose trying to enter it. If you are trying to create a peaceful life, be on the lookout for what will bring conflict. Be aggressive at guarding against the things that are not welcome in your world.

Sometimes you are waiting for your season to change while your season is waiting on you to change it.

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I am a creative spiritual strategies seeker, writer, and speaker. I help people who are seeking to advance their life to think in new ways they've never considered so they will gain the edge that will propel them to the next level of life. Some say I'm an innovative strategist, and others say I'm a dynamic thought-provoker. I've heard that I'm an inspiring motivator, momentum-builder, and life-shifter. I've even been called "Spiritual Legislator."

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D. Aiken & Associates Worldwide

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4 thoughts on “Don’t Stay in “Today” When “Tomorrow” is Calling

  1. In the natural world that we live in, the seasons come and go. Sure there are constant fluctuations in the degree of changes within each season, but none the less, they come and go, come and go, come and go….Genesis 8:22

    As you stated, and what I find very interesting, is how we often behave when we find ourselves “stuck” in a particular season. I think that you have nailed it! Our transition will be driven by our vision for our future, our vision how we see God, and most importantly, our vision of how we believe God sees us and others.

    The man who farms the property next to my business has to take specific steps every year to ensure that he will have a crop to harvest at the end of the season. His plans change all the time because of weather, equipment, personnel and other circumstances, many out of his control. However, his goal remains the same. His vision is fixed. I heard someone once say that “our goals should be cast in concrete, while our plans should be cast in sand.”

    I personally feel frustration when: 1) I’m not making the right adjustment or running the “right plays” 2) When I allow the current “weather conditions” of life to cloud my long term vision 3) When I sit too long on the sidelines.

    Identify, eliminate & police…well said my friend!

    Dominate your day!