If you are like most people you probably feel like you have lost time that you wish you could get back. Perhaps there have been seasons of your life where you were distracted, or you weren’t attentive. Maybe you lost focus and missed some opportunities that may never come again. It could be that you lost time due to ignorance or a season of foolishness.
If you miss a moment, it could cost you the loss of the experience that was made available (only) during that moment. But, all is not lost because there is something called “restored time!” Restored time is when God replaces time that you lost. The prophet Joel was eloquent when he said, “And I will restore to you the YEARS that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…” (Joel 2:25). Notice that God will restore “years.” In other words, He will buy back large blocks of time that you lost.
2-Ways He Will Restore Time:
- He’ll give you more time.
- God can literally extend your life and give you more time to accomplish what you thought was too late to accomplish.
- Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”
- Proverbs 3:2 says that His word will add length of days, and long life to you.
- He’ll accelerate your results.
The “Prophetic Acceleration of Time.” Here’s how the prophetic acceleration of time works:
- If you were to break your ankle—it takes a minimum of 6 weeks for a broken bone to heal.
- It takes 3-4 months for a person to resume normal functions.
- So what God does in a prophetic moment is He goes out 4 months, gets your healing, and brings it into your present, and boom!—it instantly takes place.
- He accelerates time triggered by your prophetic declaration. I believe therefore I have spoken (II Corinthians 4:13).
Prophesying Your Future
- When you prophesy your future what you’re doing is sending a word to your future.
- But that’s not all that happens. …Your future sends a word to you and tells you, “You better say something, because 2 years from now I’m gonna’ need what you say to see me through.”
- That’s why in a prophetic moment you must open up your mouth and speak.
- It could be that your (unborn) great grandchildren are putting a demand on this moment.
- The million dollars you’ve been prophesying may not even be for you. I could be for the generation after next.
If you feel like you have lost “time” don’t lose “hope.” God can either extend your years (so you can fulfill what you were destined to fulfill), or accelerate your results. Either way, He can (and will) restore time that you lost.
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