Alpha and Omega Prayers

There’s basically 2 ways you can pray. You can just pray, or you can pray strategically. Here’s a prayer strategy that you can add to your prayer approach to make you more multifaceted and strategic in prayer. I’m calling it Alpha and Omega Prayers. Alpha is simply a Greek word for “the beginning,” and omega is a Greek word for “the ending.”

Alpha prayers are designed to initiate something new in your life. “New” could be representative of a new season, a new mindset, a new focus, or a new impetus that God is leading you toward.
Omega prayers are prayers that bring an end to something in your life. It could be the end of a season. There are some seasons that are unproductive and draining that you want to see come to an end. It could be a season of barrenness and unproductivity, or a season of stagnation. Omega prayers could be designed to bring an end to a belief system or a mindset. They can be targeted towards ending counterproductive lifestyle activities, and/or oppressive influences in your life.

Here’s some Alpha and Omega prayers to help launch you in adding this strategy to your prayer approach:

Alpha Prayer
Father, I pray for a new season in my life. A new season, where everything works in my favor. A new season of invincibility—where even my mistakes turn out to be successes. I pray for a new mindset, where I rid myself of procrastination and hesitation. I pray for a new focus that causes me to look at what You’re looking at, care about what You care about, love what You love, and hate what you hate. I pray for a new season, where my life is perfectly aligned with Your life. I pray for a new season of progress and success; of going forward and not going backwards. I declare that old things have passed away, and all things are made new.

Omega Prayer
Now Father, I pray some Omega prayers. I pray for an ending to this season of stagnation and barrenness. I pray for an end of this season of questions with no answers, problems with no solutions, and vision with no provision. I pray for an end to all of my counterproductive thoughts and actions. I pray for an end to every oppressive and opposing influence.


You Won’t Find “Change” If You’re Ok With “Staying The Same”

When you make consistent advancements in the way you think, live, and act, the next level will start to recognize you. The next level will not only recognize you, but it will begin speaking to you. Even more, it will make an invitation for you to come and live on it. The next level will start showing you that it has a place for you—it will show you that you are welcome in its world.

When you’re ready to see something different; something better; something higher—you will be able to see it even through the dark. When you are really ready to change, then change will pack its bags and start walking towards you. Change will begin to embrace you and encourage you to live in its world.

You see, when you are NOT ready to live on a certain level, nothing related to that level will even be on your radar. You won’t hear it when it talks of possibilities, nor see it when it makes a presentation of what could be.


When you ARE ready to move to a higher level, the higher level will ready itself for your entry. You will start to hear its voice and recognize its ways. It will show you pictures of yourself somewhere in your future doing something greater than you’re currently doing, or being someone greater than you’re currently being. It will give you a preview of the future movie of your life.

What you embrace “today” is what will show up in your “tomorrow.” Have you embraced that vision (that you have) of a greater you? Are you ready to walk out that picture that you have on the inside of a more focused you; an excuseless you; a consistent you; a creative you; a disciplined you; a responsible you? If you can see a picture of it “inside” of you, you can live it on the “outside.”

If you’re not looking to travel to a higher level, the airfare and plane tickets to the next level will never appear. When you decide that you’re not “staying,” then “going” will start to appear. “Going” will start to present to you your travel gear. “Going” will start to mentor you on what you need to do to get from your present into your destiny—from stagnation into momentum.

It’s not likely that you will “find” something that you haven’t decided to “seek.” You can’t be “sold” when you’re not looking to “buy.” You won’t find “change” if you’re ok with “staying the same.” If you are ready to refuse to stay the same a whole new world will open up to you.

The Truth That Repeats Itself

Some powerful truths present themselves to you like a flash of light. They make a powerful bold entrance and then they are gone. If you fail to capture that truth on its fleeting introduction you may lose it forever. I’m speaking of the truth that did not linger. It did not stay around long enough to allow you to ponder it. It was fleeting. If you were not fast enough you may have never grasped it.

Then there are other truths that are more deliberate and more persistent. They make a bold entrance in your life, and make it clear that they are here to stay. If you do not get it on its introduction—no problem, because it will continue to speak to you until you hear it loud-and-clear. I call it “The Truth That Repeats Itself.”

When I say “truth” I’m speaking of a powerful discovery that came from heaven and not from earth. I’m talking about a life operating principal or law that God established and released in the earth.

Like a good advertiser, God uses multi-media marketing to get His messages to you. Repetition is the secret to accessing the unconscious mind of people. The most important rule in marketing is repetition. Too many marketing programs give up too soon. On average, you need to have seven to nine repeats before you will see results in your marketing program.

Advertising and marketing people have figured out what God wired into us when He created us. Pay attention. When God is trying to get a message of change to you He uses “multi-media marketing.” He sends that message to you in multiple ways, multiple times. You must pay attention to what appears to be coincidental. It’s probably not a coincidence, it’s more likely a “Godincidence!”

A toddler might come up to you and say something to you related to a new powerful truth. Then, while driving down the road you turn on the radio and hear a song that relates to it. You may be sitting at home watching TV, and a commercial comes on that reminds you of the new powerful concept that has been speaking to you. Then you go to church and the speaker brings up that same topic.

When that happens, it is not a coincidence. The truth that repeats itself is the truth that is destined to change your life. When you find certain powerful truths repeating themselves, do these three things:

  1. Embrace the Truth

Once you discover a powerful truth that is trying to break into your life, grab a hold of it. Let it know that it’s welcome in your life. No longer ignore it. Keep it on your radar.

  1. Study the Truth

Hang out with the truth that is trying to hang out with you. Study that truth. When you show that you are a true student it will begin to release all of its secrets.

  1. Apply the Truth

Start importing that truth into your daily life. Practice it until you become it. It’s not the truths that you have heard that will transform you—it’s the truths that you merge into your thinking, patterns, approach, and actions, that makes you into another man/another woman.

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The Truth That Speaks To You


Truth is something that you discover that comes from heaven and not earth.  Truth is “a God practice.” It’s a principle that God would practice if He lived on the earth. Guess what—He does…in you. Ultimately truth is “some aspect of God” that you’re supposed to practice until it becomes “some aspect of you.”

Do you know what season you’re in? If not, ask yourself, “What truth is courting me these days?” The truth that speaks to you the most is the one that defines what season you’re in. What truth has been talking to you the most lately? The truth that speaks to you the most; the loudest; the most often; the clearest; is the one that clarifies and communicates what season you’re in. You should always know what season you’re in.

The season for silence is not the season for talking.

  • Sometimes God wants you to be silent because what you’re carrying is in the incubation stage.
  • If you speak about it too soon you might scramble the egg before it even gets fertilized, grows 9 months, and births something that will last forever.
  • It is much more powerful to “do something” and then talk about it than it is to “talk about it” and then only hope to do it. Let your “DO-ing” do your “TALKing.”

The season for getting serious is not the season for playing.

  • There are times when life is asking you to sober up and get focused.
  • There’s a time when tee-hee, ha-ha, rah-rah, yahoo, and a bunch of foolishness ain’t gon’ cut it.
  • There comes a time where you need to tie up loose ends, handle your business and get things in order.
  • Are you in a season of getting serious about some things?

Truth’s Cost

Sometimes we look at truth and ask, “How much is it going to cost?” In other words, “How much of me is this going to require?” There are some truths that people don’t practice simply because they cost too much. They require more of them than they’re willing to pay. That’s why many people don’t do things correctly—it costs too much. We like to ask: ‘’How long is it going to take?” “Am I going have to go study?” “How many hours?” “Will I have to get up early?” “Can I still be with my friends?” “Will it hurt?”

When you find truth that you can’t live without, it is worth going after it with all you have. One of Jesus’ disciples understood it—He said, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45-46).

As long as I can find some part of my life that doesn’t match the promises that God has made I’m going to “sell” my time, my comfort, my convenience, my rest, my sleep and my money. I’m gonna’ sell it; I’m gonna’ exchange it—for the truth that will bring me everything that’s missing (in my life).

The truth that speaks to you the “loudest” is the one that is trying to transform you the “greatest.”

The Power of a Moment

Never discount the power of “a moment.” This moment is powerful because it has never existed before—neither will it ever exist again. So you must extract from this moment all that it has to offer. This moment has something to say—it has something to impart to you.

If you fail to pay attention to what “the present” is saying to you, you will lose “the present” that this moment is presenting. That gift will be lost. Every moment is different than the rest, even if you find yourself in the same place multiple times.

Not only does God create an entirely new day every 24 hours, but He creates an entirely new moment every second. Slow down and discern the present moment. Don’t discount this moment in favor of the next one. If you miss your moment, you will forever miss the value of what that moment had to offer. All of humanity could possibly be robbed of some amazing impartation because you failed to discern your moment.


God brought you out of the spirit world into this physical world. You came from another world. Therefore you have intelligence beyond your brain. Not only can your mind receive information, but your heart can receive an impartation. Don’t leave part of you behind. Bring all of you to the moment. Bring your thinking capacity, your sensing capacity, your instincts, and your ability to discern.

Your eyes are for seeing what’s obvious—your heart is for discerning what’s concealed. Your hands are for touching what’s noticeable—your heart is for touching what’s invisible. More is going on than the eye and ear can detect. Bring your entire being to the moment. Use all of you to pick up all that is being disseminated because this moment will never come again.

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What You Prepare For “Today” Is What Will Show Up In Your “Tomorrow”

The life you have today is based upon the preparation you made (for it) yesterday. What you prepare for today is what will show up in your tomorrow. When you start preparing, so does your future. If you fail to prepare so does your future.


Preparers                                                     Repairers

Prevent fires                                                Puts out fires

Anticipate the future                                 Are surprised by the future

Puts things in order                                   Get ordered around by things

Are on the cutting edge of things            Are cut on the edge of things

Order the day                                              Are disordered by the day

Create                                                           Consume

Tap into the invisible                                 Are invisible to tapping



  1. You must prepare for a future that requires more of you than your present.
  • When you ask God for more be aware that more demands on your life will probably come along with it.
  • I prayed for more clients but I didn’t pray for more demands on my life. They came automatically…with the clients.
  • That prayer for more (that you’re praying right now) better be accompanied by a prayer for the grace to handle it!


  1. You must prepare funeral arrangements for everything in your life that needs to be buried.
  • Sometimes “more” is not so much about adding on, as it is about taking away.
  • Listen to the language of these verses:
  • Ephesians 4:22—That you put off concerning your former conduct…
  • James 1:21—Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness…
  • Colossians 3:8—But now you yourselves are to put off all these…
  • It’s time to bury some things. Prepare the funeral arrangements.
  • What (in your life) needs to get the ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust treatment?


  1. You must prepare for the things you’re praying for.
  • Is the prayer you prayed today waiting for the step you take tomorrow as its answer?
  • If you want God to help you open a business you better start working on your discipline, organization, speed, health, management skills, and handling multiple demands.
  • The prayer might not be answered until YOU become the answer.
  1. You must prepare for the things that have already been prepared for you.
  • When you become a match (in Spirit) with the things that God has already prepared for you, they’ll be released.
  • When you become (in the spirit) the match with what is prepared for you, you will have traveled to the place where the prepared thing is.
  • Then you will no longer be trying to prophesy—you will become the prophesy.
  • You will no longer be praying for money–money will be asking to be attached to you.

Less Talk and More Demonstration

Information that does not produce “transformation” will result in “frustration.” At some point the information that we’ve received has to be applied and produce results.

We have made accessing information a style. We love to post quotes on our social media pages. To so many, “posting a powerful quote” gives the sensation that they are “living the quote.” That’s living in deception. The Apostle Paul must have seen the same thing happening in his day. He said, “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power” (I Corinthians 4:20). He later told a group of people, “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance…” (I Thessalonians 1:5).

At some point you have to take what you’re “hearing” and weave it into how you’re “living.” It’s time for less talk and more application; less talk and more demonstration; less talk and more manifestation. It’s time for results. Period. Results! Not just “asked for” but “received”; not just “desired” but “attained”; not just “sought” but “found”; not just “prayed for” but “paid for!!”

It’s time for manifestation. Manifestation is to make evident by showing and displaying. It’s to cause to materialize. The Apostle Paul told the people of Rome, “For the earnest expectation of creation waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Romans 8’19). So creation is even waiting for us to manifest. Creation is not so much waiting for you to “talk” as it is for you to “produce.”

Perhaps you’ve been praying for years. Maybe you’ve even been fasting. I’m sure you’ve been searching and seeking. You’ve been waiting and wanting. You’ve likely been hoping and wishing.  Well now is the season for manifestation, actualization, materialization, and demonstration. Let’s start making something happen.

While you’re praying, fasting, hoping and believing, get out there and start making something happen. Your prayers, fasting, hoping, believing, expecting, seeking and studying, are all going to support the materialization of what you’re trying to produce.

Less talk and more power! Less talk and more demonstration!

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Change Something Before Change Beats You To It

Have you noticed that change does not make adjustments “for” you—it makes adjustments “to” you? It makes adjustments “in” you. Change does not respond to you—it demands that you respond to it.

Unexpected changes throws most people off and distracts them from their progress. Just when you figure out how to manage that difficult task, get everything figured out, and start making progress, something gets introduced into the mix that messes up everything. You’ve experienced having all the pieces of the proverbial puzzle together when something comes along and scrambles all the pieces requiring you to start completely over.

Change has one of the loudest voices and is one of the most powerful influences of the current age. It seems to come out of nowhere. Sometimes it presents itself as an enemy to your progress.   There are numerous changes that produce nothing but frustration. Just when you begin to find your flow, something unexpected walks in your life that interrupts your momentum.


What if you learned the art of discerning what is “about” to change before it actually changes? If you are ever blindsided by change you are already at a disadvantage. It places you in a position where you are reacting to the change that threw you off. It forces you to play from behind.   Here’s 3-ways to get an advantage over change:

1.  Live Alert.

  • Something is about to change. What is it?
  • Don’t wait until you are shocked by change. Begin to ask yourself, “What is most likely to change next year, six months from now, next month?”
  • What is already on shaky ground? What is reaching the end to its useful life?
  • Discern the things in your life that you’re depending on right now that are not sustainable long-term.

2.  Live in Today While Thinking in Tomorrow.

  • Beat Change to the Punch.
  • Change something before change does.
  • If you are active at making changes in your thinking, your preparation, your daily patterns, and your disciplines, when change comes it simply becomes a part of what you’re already doing—changing.

3.  Initiate and institute change into your life-flow.

  • There are too many layers to you for you to remain the same anyway.
  • Each change you make is simply a new reflection of the amazing “you” that you are.
  • Change a pattern of thought. Forgive quickly, release daily, love freely.
  • Change your disciplines. Get up early, do things correctly, refuse to be ordinary.
  • Change your environment. Go where you’re inspired. If it doesn’t inspire, let it expire.

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