“If your actions are not as strong as your words, you run the risk of your words not believing you.”
“If your actions are not as strong as your words, you run the risk of your words not believing you.”
One of the biggest enemies in your life is an unmanaged day. Because if you have enough unmanaged days you will live an unmanaged life. One of the first things that God gives you authority over is a day. If you can’t manage a day you are not likely to be considered an authority in the spirit realm. Each day will act as an unruly child, doing whatever it wants, because it doesn’t recognize you as an authority.
3 Ways to Get Authority Over Your Day:
Your Turn: What do you think about this? Enter your comment below.
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You are always being observed by someone whose life can be greatly influenced by what they see you doing. You may also be being watched by someone who has the ability to bless you beyond your imagination. Have you ever considered the reality that your most influential observer is your life itself? Your life is always watching you to see what it is supposed to do.
If you are a habitual procrastinator so will your life be. It will wait until the last minute to bring you the things that you urgently need. It may even hand you things in disarray because it learned that pattern by watching you. It waited too late to get started gathering the things that you needed from watching you constantly wait too late to do the things that you urgently needed to do.
If you fail to prepare, your life will fail to prepare. If you fail to plan, your life will fail to plan. If you do things sloppy your life will respond by giving you things in shambles. If you’re inattentive, so will your life be. It will fail to cover the important details. If you’re habitually late, your life will be late. The things you need won’t show up on time. They may show up way past the deadline when it’s too late for them to be really beneficial.
Your life is mimicking you (its parent). It learns exactly how it’s supposed to act by observing how you act. If you are messy, it will arrange itself to be messy as well. Things will always seem to be out of order and chaotic.
We all tend to be more conscious of what we’re doing when we know someone is watching. Particularly if it is someone who will be influenced by what they see us doing. However, we tend to let our guard down when we think no one is watching. Well there’s always someone watching. It’s the one who is impacted the most by what it sees you doing. It’s your very life.
Here’s What To Do:
Your Turn: What do you think about this? …Leave a comment.
“A few right words can correct the damage of many wrong words. #iwaswrong #letsstartover”
“Your #spirit has intelligence beyond your brain. Don’t ignore what it has to say.”
In 1952 the cure for polio was discovered. However, the cure for polio actually existed prior to 1952 right alongside of polio—but it had to be discovered; it had to be revealed. What cure, what answer, what solution to your problem currently exists right alongside of your problem that you simply need to have revealed to you?
How do you get concealed things revealed to you? The obvious answer would be for you to seek the answers, solutions, and revelation you need. The unobvious answer is to seek the place that gives you the vantage point to see what is being hidden from you.
Not too long ago I was standing outside of a restaurant close to a large tree. A good friend of mine was several feet away from me but I did not know it because the tree was blocking my view of him. He was there but I could not see him. When I took two steps to the left I was surprised to see him standing only ten feet away from me. It was only when I got in the right place that I saw what was there all the time. If you can get in the right place you will be able to see what is there but hidden from you.
Someone from Florida can’t see the city of Detroit until they’ve entered the state of Michigan. There are certain things you will never see if you’re not in the right spiritual state. Maybe it’s not a matter of getting God to reveal things to you but a matter of you getting in a place where you can see revealed things.
How to Get In the Right State:
Your turn! What do you do to get yourself in the place to be able to see what is being hidden from you?
“Silence is sometimes better than speaking because “wrong” words can do more damage than “no” words.”
Many people start outside of the structure when they are trying to produce something in their life. You have to start on the inside and build it from there.
Nothing will appear in your life that doesn’t first appear in your heart. Its appearance in your heart is the first step. After it appears inside of you then you have to start feeding that baby until it outgrows the womb that’s housing it.
Focus on building what you’re pregnant with. Put all of your emphasis on what’s inside of you. It is not necessary to put a lot of effort on an external pursuit in the beginning stage of your desire. Keep all of your focus on feeding what is being conceived inside of you, because at some point an overgrown desire only has one place to land—and that’s in your physical life.
Understanding this will remove the frustration of trying to make something happen externally that has not been born internally.
What happens when you’ve built (on the inside) what you desire to have on the outside:
Let’s Talk. What are you building on the inside these days that you expect to see in your future?