- What if the calendar days of the year were like human beings waiting to see what name you put on their birth certificate?
- What if each day on the calendar is like an assignment that does not know what to do until it is given instructions?
- What if wisdom is never “given” to you, but only “gotten” by you?
- What if you only attract what you become on the inside first?
- What if God is hiding himself in each of the people you encountered today, but you failed to see Him for seeing the person?
- What if 90% of the revelation you hear immediately escapes you because it knows that you are not going to use it?
- What if your words don’t believe you unless you believe them first?
- What if the greatest works of art ever created and the greatest music ever written was not written on the earth but written in heaven, and released to those with the greatest capacity to see and hear them?
- What if the money that you urgently need never comes because it never hears its name called?
- What if God is speaking the loudest through His silence?
- What if you made an effort to unlearn everything you were taught when you came to the earth that is incongruent with what God taught you before He sent you to the earth?
- What if everyone is born a genius and those who still have that title are those who are the most successful at ignoring what life teaches about limits?
- What if the next level of life has been waiting for you to enter it, but refuses to allow you in because you refuse to make the changes you know you need to make?
- What if the money you want in your pocket has been watching you to see if it wants to be in your pocket?
- What if the job you’ve been seeking refuses to reveal itself until it sees that you’re already working?
- What if pain was allowed in the earth solely to remind us of the value of pleasure?
- What if you are the only one capable of obstructing your destiny?
- What if the only enemies that show up in your life are those who mirror something in you that attracted them?
- What if you paid as much attention to the thoughts that you’re thinking in your “heart” as you do thoughts that you’re thinking in your “head?”
- What if every area of your life where there is lack is merely a thought that went unthought?
- What if all this was true?
Your Turn: What did this article speak to you? Enter a comment below.
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What if I never allowed myself to use someone else’s actions as an excuse for my current condition?
Wow!! That’s great John!
This is POWERFUL! Spiritual Legislator (aka The Governor).
Thanks a million Kris!!