Living Outside of the Calendar

Never wait for permission from the calendar before you be who you desire to be and do what you desire to do. Many people are waiting on the” new year” in order to experience a “new life.” Don’t allow time to hold you hostage until a future date on the calendar before you can experience the kind of results that you dream about.

What ever happened to “this is the day that the Lord has made?” Today is the day to be great. Today God introduced a day that no one in the world had ever seen before. This day has never been lived, or experienced by anyone in the history of the world. Why not introduce a “new you” to this “new day?” Do like God. Live TODAY like you have never lived before. Don’t wait for some future date to be amazing.


Start living on purpose even while you’re sleep. Stop talking great and living common. When you do, every thought that comes through your brain will start being divinely influenced.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (I Cor 3:16 NKJV). You are the place where God lives. The spirit you carry determines the fragrance that your life gives off. You are carrying The Spirit of God. His Spirit (in you) will naturally influence the “control center” of your life—your spirit, and send out supernatural signals to the entire universe to align everything for the fulfillment of your divine assignment. That is, if you are conscious of His internal influence and flow with His promptings.

Power Points on Living Outside of the Calendar

  • The day is watching you to see if you’re its parent or its child.
  • The realm in which God lives (the spirit realm) is a realm where there’s no time, no boundaries, no walls, and no bureaucracy. The more time you spend there the more limits you will exceed.
  • When you tap into the spirit realm you tap into a dimension that can give you the ability to supersede time’s laws, and break times speed limits.
  • The only period you really live in is NOW.  NOW is a permanent eternity.  It’s there all the time.  It’s always now. Start being “now” what you hope to be in the “future.”
  • Don’t wait on some future date, live great enough for the future date to start waiting on you.

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I am a creative spiritual strategies seeker, writer, and speaker. I help people who are seeking to advance their life to think in new ways they've never considered so they will gain the edge that will propel them to the next level of life. Some say I'm an innovative strategist, and others say I'm a dynamic thought-provoker. I've heard that I'm an inspiring motivator, momentum-builder, and life-shifter. I've even been called "Spiritual Legislator."

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Darlene Aiken, Agent
D. Aiken & Associates Worldwide

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